Sunny Day / Giorno di Sole
In English and Italiano
Per i mei amici nel Italia: Oggi in Washington DC da dove scrivo, e una giornata stupenda: piena di sole, calda e tranquila. Questo blog e per tutti i mei amici Italiani, specialmente quelli fedeli che non possono assistere a la santissima messa. La messa e piu bella che la giornata pui meravigliosa di sole. E il nostro sole, la nostra vita e la nostra goia. Con tutto il cuore prego che la fine di questo periodo con una grandissima manchanza el Santissimo finera. Tutti i fedeli, voi state nel mio cuore e prego per voi con ogni messa da cui io ho la oppurtunita di assistere qua. Prego per voi, e le vostre famigle. Mi racommando, stai vicino a la Maddona, nostra Madre Celeste. Lei e una Mamma fortissima e ci autera fermare non solo la malatia pero anche la mancanza di fede. Le ci vole tanto bene. Corraggio! Un abbraccio a tutti!
Today is absolutely beautiful, 72 degrees, warm and gorgeous. I just went outside for a short walk and noticed the beaming sun, the chirping robins and the peaceful soft wind on my skin.
It all felt like a very real and beautiful thing and made me give thanks to God for this glorious moment. Earlier in the day, my thoughts were jumbled amidst the news that all of Italy had cancelled most Sacraments. Since the birth of Christianity, this has never happened in Italy. Early Christians celebrated mass underground in Catacombs. Would we do that? Christians during the plague celebrated Mass and opened the first hospitals in history. During the Spanish Flu in 1918 there were about 650,000 deaths in the US alone and 16,000 - 18,000 deaths in Philadelphia alone. Mass was still celebrated and nuns reached out to help victims of the flu.
In times of a health crisis, faithfulness is is key to remain in Christ. I was reflecting on a verse from Jesus in John 14:6 last night: Jesus was talking to His followers one day and told them, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me." What does this have anything to do with the coronavirus or Italy not celebrating mass? Everything. If we listen to the words of Christ, they will speak truth in our day, not 2,000 years ago only, and ring true.
I am the way: "The way" the method, the principle, the discipline, the actions of Christ
I am the truth: "The truth" pureness, honesty of Christ, clearness of joy, separation from being defiled
I am the life: "The life" the opposite of death, health, what vies us life eternally through Him who was sent for us
"No man comes to the Father but through me": Where is He? Where can you find Him in his body, blood, soul and divinity? Only at mass, through the Eucharist.
This all leads us back to the Holy Mass. If we are to be people who are faithful, we ask that our priests and bishops remain courageous and faithful. The celebration of the mass is what Our Lord gave us as a beautiful gift.
For my friends in Italy / Amici Italiani: I encourage you to pray the rosary for your priests and for your church to reopen soon. Ti incoraggio a pregare il rosario per i tuoi sacerdoti e per recomincare la santa messa. Guarda il nostro Signore per mezzo di:
Perpetual adoration: YouTube, L'addorazzione Perpetua:
Live Mass / Messa in diretta:
For priests in Italy / Sacerdoti : ask Mary to be with you and have courage. Pray the rosary. Celebrate the mass meaning every word and invoking our Lord to be with those that cannot come to mass. Sacerdoti, celebra la messa ogni giorno con tutto il cuore per i fedeli che non possono andare. Sappia che avete i fedeli pregando tantissimo per voi!
For all the faithful / i Fedeli: Pray the Holy Rosary and ask for intercession from Saints! They are ready to step in and intercede for us. Pregate il Santo Rosario. La nostra Santa Madre ci ascolta, ci vuole bene, e pronta per autarci. Tutti i Santi sono prontissimi a interceder per tutti noi.
Padre Pio, Prega per noi
San Giuseppe Moscati, Prega per noi
Santa Caterina di Siene, intercede per noi
Per i mei amici nel Italia: Oggi in Washington DC da dove scrivo, e una giornata stupenda: piena di sole, calda e tranquila. Questo blog e per tutti i mei amici Italiani, specialmente quelli fedeli che non possono assistere a la santissima messa. La messa e piu bella che la giornata pui meravigliosa di sole. E il nostro sole, la nostra vita e la nostra goia. Con tutto il cuore prego che la fine di questo periodo con una grandissima manchanza el Santissimo finera. Tutti i fedeli, voi state nel mio cuore e prego per voi con ogni messa da cui io ho la oppurtunita di assistere qua. Prego per voi, e le vostre famigle. Mi racommando, stai vicino a la Maddona, nostra Madre Celeste. Lei e una Mamma fortissima e ci autera fermare non solo la malatia pero anche la mancanza di fede. Le ci vole tanto bene. Corraggio! Un abbraccio a tutti!
Today is absolutely beautiful, 72 degrees, warm and gorgeous. I just went outside for a short walk and noticed the beaming sun, the chirping robins and the peaceful soft wind on my skin.
It all felt like a very real and beautiful thing and made me give thanks to God for this glorious moment. Earlier in the day, my thoughts were jumbled amidst the news that all of Italy had cancelled most Sacraments. Since the birth of Christianity, this has never happened in Italy. Early Christians celebrated mass underground in Catacombs. Would we do that? Christians during the plague celebrated Mass and opened the first hospitals in history. During the Spanish Flu in 1918 there were about 650,000 deaths in the US alone and 16,000 - 18,000 deaths in Philadelphia alone. Mass was still celebrated and nuns reached out to help victims of the flu.
In times of a health crisis, faithfulness is is key to remain in Christ. I was reflecting on a verse from Jesus in John 14:6 last night: Jesus was talking to His followers one day and told them, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me." What does this have anything to do with the coronavirus or Italy not celebrating mass? Everything. If we listen to the words of Christ, they will speak truth in our day, not 2,000 years ago only, and ring true.
I am the way: "The way" the method, the principle, the discipline, the actions of Christ
I am the truth: "The truth" pureness, honesty of Christ, clearness of joy, separation from being defiled
I am the life: "The life" the opposite of death, health, what vies us life eternally through Him who was sent for us
"No man comes to the Father but through me": Where is He? Where can you find Him in his body, blood, soul and divinity? Only at mass, through the Eucharist.
This all leads us back to the Holy Mass. If we are to be people who are faithful, we ask that our priests and bishops remain courageous and faithful. The celebration of the mass is what Our Lord gave us as a beautiful gift.
For my friends in Italy / Amici Italiani: I encourage you to pray the rosary for your priests and for your church to reopen soon. Ti incoraggio a pregare il rosario per i tuoi sacerdoti e per recomincare la santa messa. Guarda il nostro Signore per mezzo di:
Perpetual adoration: YouTube, L'addorazzione Perpetua:
Live Mass / Messa in diretta:
For priests in Italy / Sacerdoti : ask Mary to be with you and have courage. Pray the rosary. Celebrate the mass meaning every word and invoking our Lord to be with those that cannot come to mass. Sacerdoti, celebra la messa ogni giorno con tutto il cuore per i fedeli che non possono andare. Sappia che avete i fedeli pregando tantissimo per voi!
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Don Giacomo Martino a Genova. He celebrates Mass each day at 6:30 PM on live stream. |
For all the faithful / i Fedeli: Pray the Holy Rosary and ask for intercession from Saints! They are ready to step in and intercede for us. Pregate il Santo Rosario. La nostra Santa Madre ci ascolta, ci vuole bene, e pronta per autarci. Tutti i Santi sono prontissimi a interceder per tutti noi.
Padre Pio, Prega per noi
San Giuseppe Moscati, Prega per noi
Santa Caterina di Siene, intercede per noi
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