The temperatures are finally reaching 48 degrees. It's like the gods of winter are slowly being driven away. It is still cold enough where I can't go out as much to enjoy learning new things and taking pictures. Nevertheless, there are little things to be discovered and enjoyed at home. For example, my socks. I have a thing for socks from types of socks I prefer to how they should be properly folded. Perhaps it is the military background I grew up in where my dad had a special way his socks were folded and that was it for socks. His sock were all a scratchy cotton white, ankle length and folded all the way in with a smiley face.
My philosophy of socks is one more romantic. I don't have an army of white socks but I definitely have a theory yet believe, like my dad, that all socks should be folded in all the way with a smile.
"What's goin' on?" sad Sassy the Sock |
I believe that all socks have a mate and should have an interesting one too. Too often are soul mate socks left abandoned by one sock running off and leaving the other one during the wash. Or even worse, one sock running off and seeming to disappear during the wash only to be discovered intertwined with another sock a few weeks later deep in the corners of the drawer. To avoid sock breakups, abandonments and sad lonely socks I decided years and years ago to always have patterned socks. Stripped socks is more like it.
So my socks have spent years together in sock matrimony never loosing the one and always together washing, drying and folding as socks should properly spend their life. It was a shock for me to find my socks in disorder the other day. I walked in, saw them on the bed and froze. Like the 3 Bears knew someone ate their porridge I just knew someone else folded the laundry and my socks.
Who did that? |
I pondered the socks for a minute before touching them to put them away. For so long I secretly had my theory of socks, soul mate socks, and this re-folding of socks made me realize that maybe one of the socks might be a soul mate sock but not agree on being folded with a smiley face for life. I accepted it after thinking about my soul mate sock. He was on the computer watching You Tube and totally oblivious to my crazy sock ideas and revelations happening in the bedroom.
Sherlock Holmes: The case of the long folded socks. |
It warmed my heart to see the different philosophy of folding socks. It is much looser, floppy, more relaxed, more lenient to letting one sock possibly run away, but hopefully it won't. It was also nice to be reminded of sock folding, my dad, and how I came about this little obsession on socks.
Lastly, milk. though winter has been brutal I have loved trying different types of local milk. Many are so full of fat and taste a little like butter, but winter is the only season to indulge is such things so why not?
See the cream at the top? Yum.... |
Yes, socks should stick together :) x