If you were a quiche what quiche would be in your quiche? Would you have ham and cheddar? Peas? Or would you be fancy and have some Gouda. You would have to pronounce Gouda with the right accent, by the way and preferably a look of indifferent disdain towards all humanity.
One movie I especially liked during college was "Waitress" with Kerry Russel where she names each of her pies after a mood or thought.
Some of the pies she named were: Kick in the pants pie, Fall in love chocolate mousse pie, Pregnant miserable self-pitying looser pie, I hate my husband pie, Naughty pumpkin pie, Marshmallow mermaid pie. You get the idea.
Now, for the record, I love to cook but summer cooking is not my forte. The Chef knows this well as he scratches his curly head wondering why on earth I make stews in the summer?! Alas, it is in my blood to stew things hoping they come out good.
Nevertheless, I have found one food which is excellent for summer: the quiche. You can toss near anything excluding the cat in the quiche. Today's quiche has a name, her name is "I can take the heat" quiche.
A lucky apple |
So bring it on heat! We have had a very productive day over here, organizing, cooking and talking to cats! We, meaning myself and my mind, even made it to Costco! And we (myself and my mind) found a very flattering pair of shorts.
Fatty has been commenting on the status of the nation's debt and Bentley has been checking out the wildlife from our window and commenting on how he would love to join them.
This little blue and grey bird is the cutest |
so sweet! |
Oh, and Bambi came to say hello this morning. As some of you may recall, the Holiday Deer usually come only on Holiday's behind my house. I wasn't expecting to see any of them till the 4th of July. But today is the day of St. Thomas Moore, a British Saint, so maybe the deer was celebrating him. You never know what deer celebrate.
Termite on Sunday. I love going to see him. |
Hanging out by the stables |
A little ant crawled up to me singing the Beatles "I want to hold your hand."
"Yeah you, got that something, I think you'll understand. When I feel that something, I wanna hold your hand!" |
In other news, I miss my second graders. I wonder what they are doing and when I go for walks and see things that would enthrall them (such as beetles in a magnolia flower) I take a picture and say a little prayer for them to be safe and happy.
The little girls from 2nd grade would go absolutely NUTS for these beetles in the flower. And they would be right. And yes, I would let them pick up the beetles and baby talk to them. :)
I love going to walk and passing this house. |
And lastly, are you doing any summer reading? I have fallen so behind on any adult literature, not the seedy "romance" kind, that it is shameful to still call myself a librarian. The last 30 books I have read were all fairy tales with fun voices. The previous book to those was "Il Arte di Prendere Marito" or "The Art of Choosing a Husband" written in Italy the 1860's as a guide for young ladies in choosing a husband. Let me tell you, things have not changed much! This book has chapters on vices men have and how to spot them, also chapters on which professions are the best to marry because the profession often determines a man's personality and satisfaction in life. Insane! It also recommends that young ladies stop talking when the man needs to sleep or eat. Hum....On that note. I think I will be reading "The Homesick Restaurant" by Ann Tyler. It has been sitting around collecting dust for a while and Ann always writes about mid-life crisis in an endearing way. I've enjoyed her writing since I was 20 and nowhere near a crisis! She is also a local Maryland author so most of her novels take place here. The other books I would like to read are....hm....."The Nightingale" is there, and I am not sure what else. Usually, all trendy summer reading books are not worth the time reading so I have never indulged in them. And lastly, really the last lastly, if you have any mini-humans (children) please enroll them in your public library's summer reading program! The libraries have such great programs, shows, music and parties for children and teens of all ages. And it is already paid for since your taxes contribute to keeping libraries alive. End of soap box. Back to the quiche.
Love your photos sweetie! Will be landing in Seattle next Tuesday!