Dear Blog friends,
:) hi. No second grade means you get more of me. I know I have a list of things to do about as long as Rapunzel's hair and that list ain't going nowhere on its own. (Forgive the grammar. But if you really want to analyze it, we could enter the discussion of what is proper grammar? Is there proper grammar? Does that even exist? And welcome to Linguistic course 101 where that is all we discussed.) So back to the topic of the day. I decided to take 10 minutes to write a blog on days I'm free because you know what? Creativity feeds the soul like a hamburger. You need creativity to keep you going. Yes, you, even you who feel you are as creative as a log. Go get a pen and paper or some colored paper and make something. Every human creates and has a reader and an artist deep down.

That lends itself to another question. What is art? Is cooking a craft or an art? I s ironing a craft if you iron in a pattern but not an art? Or is art in the intention of the artist? This will take more than 10 minutes. Let's bench that question.
This morning started with an incredible storm. The rain fell so strong it made me happy and feel like I was on the west coast. Strong coffee was made, cornbread devoured. Recently I have been feeling like this and needing to get my focus back:
Who ruined my vision?! |
So I did what my mom would tell me to do get in touch with myself: Go pray, then get an orange juice at the fancy grocery store, go the library and go say hello to nature in my favorite place. That is just what I did. I headed off to mass to pray the rosary with the retired ladies of the church. I love their voices repeating the prayers that are uplifting and inspirational. "Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil." I always struggle with that one contemplating what is evil and what is temptation. Some evil is clearly evil and some temptation is also clear but usually they are grey matter and one can look very much like the other. That is for me at least. And my sun isn't even in Libra to think this way! I can see how I am driving my dad nuts here. "Your sister is a nut-bag, son!" I can hear him now. :) As a Leo with ascendant in Virgo I should exercise much more dichotomous thinking regarding temptation and evil. But sometimes, it isn't so clear. Examples:
Temptation |
Evil or temptation? |
Temptation or evil? |
My favorite prayer is Anima di Cristo, in Italian because I learned most of the catholic prayers in Italian. "Dentro le tue piaghe nascondemi." Beautiful.
Fancy orange juice, and danishes, thank you very much. Library books on the way. |
Inspiration from the Bible. |
And more inspiration along with the illustration of two fat pigs, courtesy of 2nd grade. |
Good morning sunshines! |
Don't you love how the bird is eating breakfast with the horse? |
Meet Dairy. She is a cow reincarnated as a horse. |
Insert John Denver song. Any song of your choice is fine. Mine would be "Sunshine on my Shoulders" |
And guess what? That hour of orange juicing at the library and saying hi to the horses buried my funk.
Good-bye, Funk! |
Don't you love that? The graveyard close to my house has the most interesting dead people's last names. I think graveyards are romantic, peaceful and offer a great place to meditate on your life and what the heck you are doing. And to end things on a good note, guess who is going to start a quilt? You got that right! This girl. I think my quilt will take a year or so to make. I still haven't decided on the pattern but I knew that I wanted colors in nature so picked green, cream and mid-night blue. It needs a pop of color and I am not sure what that 4th color will be. Maybe an apple green? Or cherry red? Anyway, a quilt is in the works. This means books on CD or blue grass will be played. In the winter it will mean Pride and Prejudice and Edith Piaf (to the joy of the cats who love her.)
Ten minutes are over!
Have a good flight, Moose! Your email still bounces back so I don't know what to do. Don't forget some gum for the trip, don't forget your calzones and enough socks to get you through some hikes. Say hello to Mt. Rainier for me as the plane descends over Seattle. Love, Pune
always remember that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree hija!! nut-bags of a feather flock together! I'll get a new email account exclusively for you and see if that works. it may be because of me being in china. hasn't been a problem before, but could be now. stay safe sweetie! I'll let you know via your blog that i landed safely. a hug and a kiss and i touch on the cabeza!!