Imagine being able to buy Picasso drawings for $2-$3 dollars per piece. What a deal, right? And then imagine putting that pretty little sketch in your bathroom, next to a Matisse which is next to another Picasso drawing. Insane! If that were me, I would never leave my apartment!
That is exactly what Etta and Claribel Cone were able to do back in the 1890's. These two filthy rich sisters were able to do the best shopping in the world, primarily with art.
They had taste not for collecting shoes or purses but for collecting art which they purchased right from the artists fingers freshly having finished many pieces and almost before the ink dried totally on the canvas. Their apartment in Baltimore is said to have had not one inch of free space due to so many paintings and art on the walls. Oh, to be their guest!
Last week I went with one of my dear friends to the Baltimore Museum of Art where we toured the gallery holding the Cone Sister's Collection.
They had over 3,000 works of art that they donated to the BMA. Unbelievable! I still can't wrap my mind around how they lived with so much art. However, their pieces became part of Baltimore's art collection and are now tucked away in a classic and sweet museum.
My favorite exhibition was that on home. It explored the domestic world that we cocoon ourselves in for refuge, comfort and love.
Some of the exhibition focused on the continuous notion of woman and home being inseparable.
What is the best part about this painting?
The forgotten cat. |
What would your shower curtain or shower door say to you if it could talk?
A Italian wine jug used in parties. The host would add water or wine to properly inebriate his guests to the right point.
I loved the little doll houses.
"Silence" was another one of my favorite works. What are somethings that you keep silent? Things kept inside that you mull over and will take to your grave?
"They will never know how many gelatos I really ate." |
This painting is one I especially liked. It is sort of what it feels like to be silent, the wheels inside turning and turning and nothing coming out.
"................!" |
Down another gallery
Greek and Roman mosaics from Syria |
Why don't we have mosaics now? Why? |
My favorite sculpture. She looks like my mom.
This is what a good day feels like:
Grandpa painting |
After being away from Baltimore for years the beauty of it faded in my mind. I loved seeing the little short buildings and typical Baltimore architecture. It is so different than any other place. It's different that NYC, different than Jersey, definitely different than Rivoltella (Italia). Baltimore is such a little gem and uniquely its own city. I know most of these buildings are old and crumbly but they stand out as what Baltimore used to be: Charm City.
I always wanted to live in this house. |
Back on the home front I have had a robust flourishing cold that has made me feel like this:
It's weird because I normally don't get colds.
Nevertheless, snorting and sneezing we started preparing for Christmas. I went to the storage room and hauled out the immense amount of Christmas decor we have:
That's it! Living in Italy and in our tiny house in New Jersey helped us keep everything to a minimum. I am glad because simplicity makes life easier.
The Chef and I had a fun time positioning our Presepio (Nativity Set).
Tasty with potatoes and rosemary. |
Awaiting baby Jesus |
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