10 Hurrays for Sagittarius

This piece accompanies the post. 

This post is dedicated to my mom, brother and family in Sagittarius. Around 10 of them have a birthday this week. I am lucky enough to have almost an entire family tribe consisting of Sagittarius and Cancer signs. Mom, brother, most of my uncles, and mamma-mia in law are all Sagittarius. The other half of my tribe is mostly in Cancer. These signs are polar opposites. Where one needs to feel free but is really dependent, the other is controlling and anxious. Luckily, at home, we are full of fire signs: me (a Leo) with an Aries Chef and two Aries cats...if that is possible. How can a cat be Aries? Well, the cats are impulsive, creative (they dance), quick tempered, forgive easily, love climbing to the tallest they can find (then get stuck), are cuddly and have an enormous appetite. There ya go.

10 Great things about having a Sagittarius Family:

1. They will always share their food. Sagittarius love to eat. In the morning, at night, in the middle of the night, and usually their most favorite food is something warm and goey like mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, melted chocolate, melted cheese anything...the  more gooey the better! Walking into my grandmas house on any given weekend you will find a cluster of my uncles each having a fun snack and willing to prepare you one too.

2. They are creative deep souls. If I tell my brother that I feel like a leaf floating in the middle of a storm, he gets the freedom and terror of it! He might suggest listening to some Louis Gottschalks "O Ma Charmante, ePargnez-moi" to get the full effect. My Sagittarius uncles all have some type of creative outlet, most of them play guitar, one makes shoes, and they all love art. 

3. They are sensitive to others. Some of the most introspective authors are Sagittarius: Jane Austen, Willa Cather, Mark Twain, C.S. Lewis, Emily Dickinson, Gustav Flaubert. This list goes on and on. Most of these writers are great because they were sensitive to the peculiarities of others. Sagittarius, more than any other sign, has the ability to intuitively feel the emotions of other people and describe them effortlessly. Where one non-Sag just sees someone with a lost expression, a Sagittarius can feel that lost expression is one of a person who needs a hug and a cheese sandwich to feel emotionally better because it is cold and their secret love was  jerk to them. I can never call my mom or brother when I feel down because they will know that something is up and they can read through the silence.

3. Cheese: this sign loves cheese more than any other sign.

4. Long lost walks. Never keep a Sagittarius in for more than 2 days or they will go nuts and escape even in the middle of a blizzard. If you need to go for a walk look no further than a Sagittarius to go with you. They enjoy escaping so will agree to go pretty much anywhere as long as they can walk and feel free. Best time for walks is early morning and dusk. My Sagittarius uncles were the best to take the kids out on Sunday night for a long walk to any circus or fair. The Cancer uncles were always left at home fretting for when we would get back, did a car hit us, did one of us get lost or stolen etc.

5. Gossip. If you ever need to get a good juicy story out look no further than a Sagittarius. They can't keep things in. It goes against their motto of "I can't lie" so that means they must tell people's business. And the best part is that you know when they are holding something in because it looks like they are not breathing. All you have to do is ask, "Is there something you aren't telling me?" and BOOM! The secret bursts out. Ahhh :)

6. They are readers. One of the reasons I became a librarian probably has to do with the fact that I was raised in a tribe of Sagittarius readers. They philosophers who all love to read. My brother loves historical non-fiction and international political studies (heavy stuff) along with Harry Potter, my mom loves anything introspective and poetic, Mom-in-law loves classic Italian literature and magazines, one of my uncles should be a Greek mythology professor and the other is well-versed in philosophy. I grew up hearing quotes left and right and believed that there was very little greater than the power of a good library.

7. Get up and go. This sign will get up and leave more than any other sign because they hate being bored and the mundane. If you ask a Sagittarius to accompany you tomorrow to India for four months, chances are they will immediately go pack their bag without evaluating the consequences of being gone for four months.

8.  They are lucky. Luck seems to follow Sagittarius people wherever they go. Perhaps it is their optimistic recklessness, openness or independence that makes good things come their way.

9. They are indulgent with a "go-for-it because you only live once" attitude. "Go for it! Eat the fries, you only live once! Try moving to Zimbabwe, you only live once! Skip school, you only live once! Mangi un terzo gelatino, si vive solo una volta!"

10. They have a funky sense of style. You know someone is a Sagittarius by the way they dress. They love comfort above all else and will combine colors and textures to get to the right point of feeling good and in some unexpected way they look really cool!


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