Right now the temperature is charging -0. In Milan it is dancing around -14 while Rome is under 4 feet of snow. All of the bus strike men that were mooning the president infront of the palace last week pulled up their pants and ran away from the cold. The Italian Army stepped in to save the citizens of Rome who were stuck under the snow. The only one smiling in this snowy cold is the Pope. He loves the cold and the snow.
Here in the North, I am just below the Alps that are at -30 degrees. In the meantime I have been driving myself up and down stairs of the house and organizing my day with lists divided into hours to avoid total boredom. The plus side of this is that I have finally gotten down a morning routine for exercise then housekeeping and manage to keep the everyday housekeeping things to about an hour. Not only does the housekeeping pitch in as additional or total exercise but it really brought to mind how important it is to keep things hygienic, in order with healthy bank accounts for the balance and comfort of the family. I have been reading two books that gave me tons of really helpful ideas. These are links:
"Home Comforts: the Art and Science of Keeping a House" by Cheryl Mendleson who went to law school at Harvard (smart working women can be good housekeepers too). I like a quote where she says that all beginning housekeepers don't stay like that for long. I think I am like a 2nd grader with basic knowledge, a little manageable schedule for now and a lot to learn. The second book is "
American Woman's Home" that is ancient but very good literature by Catherine Beecher Stowe. And that one is also FREE on the kindle. So all you kindle owners, Daddy included, I recommend checking it out! It ain't just for the ladies! Pitching in the housework and cooking makes the women folk smile, nicer and more relaxed. So all you guys, go ahead and bond with the broom and whip up some dinner! I happen to think men are often better cooks than the ladies.
Back to the topic, this cold has brought me to take pictures thinking of Valentine's day. I was going to make cards for my mom, dad and Mamma-in-law then Fatty plopped next to me for a nap. I seized this opportunity to decorate my cat, Fatty (El Gordo). He is the most passive sweet fluffy kitty ever and patiently put up with my decorating him with hearts like a champion. Enjoy the pictures of my fat Valentine:
"What? Are you really going to do this to me?" |
"Lady, I would like to take a nap here." |
His little hat |
This one is my favorite |
Pondering love |
Sad by love |
I will pick this one |
All Roads Lead to"El Gordo" |
Surrounded by love |
The nucleus of love |
Aerial view |
so cute |
Too many loves to choose from! |
Puckered out by love |
il piccolo amore |
Bless his little heart for putting up with me.
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