Yesterday I wasn't feeling too hot, an all too familiar feeling this year. There is one thing that I am always up for no matter how tired or rotten I feel: a walk. I think that walking is so good for the health and mind. Staying home, even when feeling yucky, makes me feel that eventually I will blossom into an obese depressed and anxious blob. Then I think that the longer I sit, the more blobby and sick I will feel. Wanting to kick that blobby feeling out I pitched the idea of a walk on the beach. I really didn't feel like it or believe that it was a good idea because it had barely stopped storming and the rainclouds could come back any moment. However, my husband instantly said yes and I'm so glad he did because the walk turned out to be fantastic. The beach was nearly totally empty, the air crisp and fresh. It smelled like fresh pines and rain. After a few minutes my dumpy spirits soared and I started feeling the energy and life of the salty sea gushing and trashing against the rocks. I think all sad and sick people should be made to sit out on a sunny beach and they will feel much much better. I soon started snapping pictures and here are a few of the lovely things I saw: Ok, nevermind. Apparently my computer Internet connection here is too
slow to upload several so here are the two it uploaded in 7 minutes. :)
A sea burger |
Out of place, broken but so perfect here |
Lastly, Pescara reminds me so much of Jacksonville, Florida (where my people are from, some of them at least). The beaches are flat, not aggressive and the people are also relaxed and a bit messy. The salty sea air opens up the lungs and helps prevent asthma too. :) Sea how cool the sea is?
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