Stayin' Alive in Naples
Napoli, Naples, Parthenope: all names for the beautiful city of Naples. It was originally founded on the 9th century B.C. by the Greeks. We focused our trip on so many important museums, castles, Pompeii and the Amalfi coast. All of that gave me material to blog about for the next year. If I were to focus on each of the sights I saw, their history, their meaning in society and how it helped the Kingdom of Naples thrive then I would have to spend 100 lifetimes on each because they are so complex and the history is rooted so deep. I don't have the education or knowledge to write in a way that makes justice to the city of Naples since I was there only a few days and saw mainly tourist hotspots. What I do know is that Naples moved me, I felt instantly that it was a totally different country than the north or central Italy, and I loved every minute of being in Naples. I would like to cover my favorite spots that I visited and for the rest I will make a list of them to keep as a treasure of my days there.
1. Short history tour (minus a lot of wars): Everyone wanted to go to Naples back in the day. First the Greeks colonized it and set up the basic mentality of philosophers that endures today in everyday Neaplolitan dialogues (we heard construction men discussing the meaning of art in life). Then the Romans beat the Greeks out and set up a posh "Las Vegas" spot. During the initial Roman Rule the people in Naples still spoke Greek. It became the Roman cultural center with many spas, villas, public baths (that I will cover in my Pompeii blog) and a hot spot of culture. A German dude called Odoracer kicked the Romans out in the 5th century AD and proclaimed himself king of Naples. He wanted to sunbathe on the shores of the Mediterranean and many Germans still love stripping down naked there today (yuck). They gained independence some time in the 11th century from the Germanic guys and joined the kingdom of Sicily to be stronger. As expected, some other country wanted a piece of the sunny beaches of Naples with clear warm water and a killer view. These guys were the French. They came prancing along in 1501 but Spain got huffy and jealous and started a war. The Spanish won the war and Naples as a result got under Spanish control. Naples was Spanish for centuries until little Napoleon wanted to skinny dip in the beautiful Napolitan Gulf so threw a fit (war) but was defeated in the Neapolitan War. In the meantime the politicians of the rest of the country decided that Italy should be unified into one country and that finally happen in 1861. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boom! Italy became a country. It is so obvious to me that Italy is still 3 different countries though: The north, the center and the south...and personally I think it might have been better to keep it that way because there is such a diversity of history, language, and traditions. If you put a Brescian (north) speaking dialect and a Neapolitan (south) speaking dialect in the same room they will never be able to speak a direct concrete conversation.
2. Fact. Naples was the most bombed city of WW2. So sad and so true. First the Nazi's bombed then my American brothers dropped bombs. All the bombings destroyed lives, homes and historical structures.
3. Many noble families (from the Spanish) still live in Naples and carry on old traditions.
4. Spain still has some mini-territories such as churches that are officially Spanish land.
5. The Kingdom of Naples ranged from the middle region (Abruzzo) to the southern tip of the Italian Peninsula. It was pretty huge!
I feel like I am doing Naples so much injustice by not covering each of these amazing places that I visited...but I also feel like I have so much to learn about each of these and maybe visiting them was only the beginning for me to get the curiosity to learn more about each:
1. Castel dell'Ovo (Egg Castle)
This Castle is particularly important for Naples and Napolitans because
it holds a magic egg that was planted by the poet Virgil. This egg is
special because it holds the base of the castle and of Naples. If the
egg is removed then Naples will crash. It must be one good egg! I was
tempted to dart in the castle, search for the egg and make one mean
omelette... The historical part of the Castle is that it was founded in 6
BC by the Greeks, they called it Megaride. Then built around the 12th
century by the Normans. It has served the purpose of an artillery, and
even a monastery. For now, it serves the purpose of reminding Naples of
how ancient the city is and that it is worth defending and loving.
2. The Royal Palace
It would be my dream come true to be a Bourbonic Queen in the 17th century in Naples and live in the Royal Palace. This set up is for a girl...the guys can take their castles that are cold stone fortifications meant for fighting and defending. The royal palace is everything it sounds like: royal, plush, pampering, delicate, and spoiled. Seriously, I would not complain to have a giant pink dress and parade up an down the marble stair cases on my way to Brandi's pizzeria where I knew the pizza was made in my honor (the Margherita Pizza). If I were queen of Naples I would start the day with a swim in the sea (on good days), have a frothy cappuccino bath (why not?), maybe nap in the 10 am sun with my fat cats (Fatty and Bentley would so be there) in a sunny room, have lunch in the banquet hall with the table overflowing with clear vases of fresh fragrant colorful flowers then hit up the pizzeria for a wallet pizza. I would end the night reading, singing and dancing to the Bee Gees "Stayin Alive" or some other danceable music (if there were none I would get the head violinist to turn his violin into a fiddle and learn some blue grass), or listening to the orchestra playing "Clair de Lune" just for me, or would find a way to blog about being queen. For my people I would be a gift giving queen. Every person would be treated to a party or gift on the month of her birthday. I would probably organize something in order of Astrological signs:
1. Aries: all the little rams who like to keep their personal space, fight against something, and be impulsive would be taken out to the Amalfi coast and told to walk back to the main town, Positano. Trust me, they would enjoy the fight of the hike and they would each take a separate route. At the end they would be treated to a long rustic table covered with hearty meat and potatoes. Aries like real food served like a truck driver pit stop.
2. Taurus: For the bulls out there who like to shop I would give them free access to the fancy shopping street where they could pick up one item of their choosing. Then they could go back home or to the Lupinarium in Pompeii...
3. Gemini: this would be fun. I would invite them all to the theater where they could play charades then watch Peter Pan since Gemini's are the eternal kids.
4. Cancer: These guys love to organize, are detail and family oriented and suffer some anxiety. They wouldn't enjoy just being invited without being involved in some type of organization. So I would send half of them invitations to help me organize the event and the other half invitations to set up music and food for an event and it would turn out perfect. I would also set up a tray of Tums medicine by the refreshments since all my cancer people tend to get tummy aches with anxiety.
5.Leo: Oh this would have to be traditionally decorated in a pompous style. Half of the Leo's invited wouldn't come but would send a long letter of regards, one quarter would arrive late to show indifference, the rest would arrive in splendor and bearing elaborate gifts. This party would smell like various perfumes and could go either great as some Leo's would entertain each other and make grand speeches, would be indifferent, or could end with new enemies. Cats don't always get along. The room would have to be decorated with lots of mirrors, chandeliers and flowers.
6. Virgo: I would set up a very clean, bright and tidy "white party" where everything would be in brilliant white, crisp, clean and spotless. Snacks would be precise and everything would be in order. While most Virgo's might enjoy this there would be the others who are inner slobs and would migrate towards my secret exist that would lead to a dirty diner with alternative music and rough waiters.
7. Libra. I love this sign because they are charming and peaceful but the poor guys always struggle to find balance or "the right thing". For the Libras who are are steady classy people I would do cocktails then a nice dinner but secretly invest in each of their lives to give them the balance they are fighting for.
8. Scorpio: This is one sign I know little about and probably it is because that's how Scorpio's want it. I would have an impersonator of myself attend the event just in case some Scorpio is out to kill me (as queen). But I would have the royal palace decorated in deep red and serve romantic dishes since Scorpios love sensual things.
9. Sagittarius. My family is full of these and Cancers which in some weird way compliment them. Sagittarius love having things done for them, talking to perfect strangers like old friends and eating more than cooking, oh and wandering off for long walks without a trace. I would set up a delicious buffet of things they could get instantly as they walk in. There would be tables very close to the food, simple decorations and most of the event would focus on food. I would leave a few small doors open knowing that half of the Sagittariuses would wander after eating and think they were escaping for a stroll through one of the small doors. The food would be replenished frequently as they would stroll back to see if there was more. I would also have lots of plastic containers so they could take things home with the excuse "for my son". I know they would be happy in bed forking it in as soon as they got home.
10. Capricorn. I could expect all Capricorns to arrive 3 minutes early, prepared to hear about politics and with a list of people they would like to introduce me to. These guys are great for politics, especially women. Kate Middleton, Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni all married political men for a reason. I would prepare a sold meal but nothing too fancy for them because the highlight for them would be an open discussion of a political agenda for them to feel involved and more than likely it would be a good discussion.
11. Aquarius. Best Buy would have to hook me up for these guys. Aquariuses love electronics, telling people how things work and figuring out how things work to tell people how they work. But if we are in 17th century Naples I would have their party in an ancient Greek forum and have a philospoher competition. They are very competitive and love the sound of their own voice theorizing even if it bores everyone else to death.
12. Pisces: these fishies for some reason thrive in complicated situations and oddly getting lost both pysically and mentally. If things are peaceful they need a drama to keep them feeling normal. Its like the fish fighting against the current of life. I would take the Pisces out to a labryinth where they would have to find their way out. Eventually they would see signs saying "this way" and would follow it to a fluid dinner: tables floating on water and seafood served for dinner.
If I were queen of Naples I would have all my security guards be Cancer, cooks be Aries, interior designers be Taurus, drivers be Leo, entertainers be Gemini and the cabinet of consultants would most likely all be Capricorn.
...Oh to be queen of Naples in the Royal Palace! Stomp! Why wasn't I born queen?! The Queen Mum and Kate Middleton are not doing it right... - Back to reality. So here are the pictures of all the kings of Naples that are lined up outside of the Royal Palace.
3. Castel Sant'Elmo...Oh dear. Something Very terrible happened to my pictures here...I took about 500 of the views from Castel Sant' Elmo, then another 500 from the Amalfi Coast...but while driving on the Amalfi I tried to make more space in my camera since it was full and my technical maneuver totally deleted ALL pictures...If I were queen they would be here but I am the daughter of a good shepherd they are not and I accept it. However here is a picture I copied of it:
Nevertheless, lets talk about Elmo's Castle! This castle is amazingly built on a hill that grants it the best panoramic view of Naples. You feel at the top of the world here! The air gusts are just right that they sway against your skin while the seagull soar up and down with the entire city sprawled below and Mout Vesuvio in the distance. I loved being on top of Castel Sant' Elmo. It is also the most romantic spot in Naples, in my opinion, and a very perfect place for a date or proposal...if Italians proposed but they don't and Italian marriage traditions are for another blog. However, if you are in the proposal type of society like the US, take your spouse to be to Sant'Elmo and pop the question with the entire city smiling below or twinkling below if it is night time. We got there after 4 PM and the ticket was also free after 4 so we lucked out. On the historical side, it was built around 13something and used for several wars (sad) but today it is the most romantic spot with the best view of the city, Mediteranean Sea and Mt. Vesuvio. If I was queen (again then I will stop) I would have my meetings there so I could view my people while I deliberate what is best for them. Then I would have ice cream...or fresh slices of mango with lime juice.
For now that is about it...A very sleepy Bentley (cat) is insisting on sleeping on the computer keypad. I am going to finish my Naples blogs with 3 individual blogs for my 3 favorite places.
Here are some short history/facts of Naples that I didn't know before visiting:
1. Short history tour (minus a lot of wars): Everyone wanted to go to Naples back in the day. First the Greeks colonized it and set up the basic mentality of philosophers that endures today in everyday Neaplolitan dialogues (we heard construction men discussing the meaning of art in life). Then the Romans beat the Greeks out and set up a posh "Las Vegas" spot. During the initial Roman Rule the people in Naples still spoke Greek. It became the Roman cultural center with many spas, villas, public baths (that I will cover in my Pompeii blog) and a hot spot of culture. A German dude called Odoracer kicked the Romans out in the 5th century AD and proclaimed himself king of Naples. He wanted to sunbathe on the shores of the Mediterranean and many Germans still love stripping down naked there today (yuck). They gained independence some time in the 11th century from the Germanic guys and joined the kingdom of Sicily to be stronger. As expected, some other country wanted a piece of the sunny beaches of Naples with clear warm water and a killer view. These guys were the French. They came prancing along in 1501 but Spain got huffy and jealous and started a war. The Spanish won the war and Naples as a result got under Spanish control. Naples was Spanish for centuries until little Napoleon wanted to skinny dip in the beautiful Napolitan Gulf so threw a fit (war) but was defeated in the Neapolitan War. In the meantime the politicians of the rest of the country decided that Italy should be unified into one country and that finally happen in 1861. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boom! Italy became a country. It is so obvious to me that Italy is still 3 different countries though: The north, the center and the south...and personally I think it might have been better to keep it that way because there is such a diversity of history, language, and traditions. If you put a Brescian (north) speaking dialect and a Neapolitan (south) speaking dialect in the same room they will never be able to speak a direct concrete conversation.
2. Fact. Naples was the most bombed city of WW2. So sad and so true. First the Nazi's bombed then my American brothers dropped bombs. All the bombings destroyed lives, homes and historical structures.
3. Many noble families (from the Spanish) still live in Naples and carry on old traditions.
4. Spain still has some mini-territories such as churches that are officially Spanish land.
5. The Kingdom of Naples ranged from the middle region (Abruzzo) to the southern tip of the Italian Peninsula. It was pretty huge!
I feel like I am doing Naples so much injustice by not covering each of these amazing places that I visited...but I also feel like I have so much to learn about each of these and maybe visiting them was only the beginning for me to get the curiosity to learn more about each:
1. Castel dell'Ovo (Egg Castle)
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Castel Dell'Ovo |
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Strolling down Via Caracciolo twords Castel Dell'Ovo |
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Eccolo qui! (here it is!) |
2. The Royal Palace
It would be my dream come true to be a Bourbonic Queen in the 17th century in Naples and live in the Royal Palace. This set up is for a girl...the guys can take their castles that are cold stone fortifications meant for fighting and defending. The royal palace is everything it sounds like: royal, plush, pampering, delicate, and spoiled. Seriously, I would not complain to have a giant pink dress and parade up an down the marble stair cases on my way to Brandi's pizzeria where I knew the pizza was made in my honor (the Margherita Pizza). If I were queen of Naples I would start the day with a swim in the sea (on good days), have a frothy cappuccino bath (why not?), maybe nap in the 10 am sun with my fat cats (Fatty and Bentley would so be there) in a sunny room, have lunch in the banquet hall with the table overflowing with clear vases of fresh fragrant colorful flowers then hit up the pizzeria for a wallet pizza. I would end the night reading, singing and dancing to the Bee Gees "Stayin Alive" or some other danceable music (if there were none I would get the head violinist to turn his violin into a fiddle and learn some blue grass), or listening to the orchestra playing "Clair de Lune" just for me, or would find a way to blog about being queen. For my people I would be a gift giving queen. Every person would be treated to a party or gift on the month of her birthday. I would probably organize something in order of Astrological signs:
1. Aries: all the little rams who like to keep their personal space, fight against something, and be impulsive would be taken out to the Amalfi coast and told to walk back to the main town, Positano. Trust me, they would enjoy the fight of the hike and they would each take a separate route. At the end they would be treated to a long rustic table covered with hearty meat and potatoes. Aries like real food served like a truck driver pit stop.
2. Taurus: For the bulls out there who like to shop I would give them free access to the fancy shopping street where they could pick up one item of their choosing. Then they could go back home or to the Lupinarium in Pompeii...
3. Gemini: this would be fun. I would invite them all to the theater where they could play charades then watch Peter Pan since Gemini's are the eternal kids.
4. Cancer: These guys love to organize, are detail and family oriented and suffer some anxiety. They wouldn't enjoy just being invited without being involved in some type of organization. So I would send half of them invitations to help me organize the event and the other half invitations to set up music and food for an event and it would turn out perfect. I would also set up a tray of Tums medicine by the refreshments since all my cancer people tend to get tummy aches with anxiety.
5.Leo: Oh this would have to be traditionally decorated in a pompous style. Half of the Leo's invited wouldn't come but would send a long letter of regards, one quarter would arrive late to show indifference, the rest would arrive in splendor and bearing elaborate gifts. This party would smell like various perfumes and could go either great as some Leo's would entertain each other and make grand speeches, would be indifferent, or could end with new enemies. Cats don't always get along. The room would have to be decorated with lots of mirrors, chandeliers and flowers.
6. Virgo: I would set up a very clean, bright and tidy "white party" where everything would be in brilliant white, crisp, clean and spotless. Snacks would be precise and everything would be in order. While most Virgo's might enjoy this there would be the others who are inner slobs and would migrate towards my secret exist that would lead to a dirty diner with alternative music and rough waiters.
7. Libra. I love this sign because they are charming and peaceful but the poor guys always struggle to find balance or "the right thing". For the Libras who are are steady classy people I would do cocktails then a nice dinner but secretly invest in each of their lives to give them the balance they are fighting for.
8. Scorpio: This is one sign I know little about and probably it is because that's how Scorpio's want it. I would have an impersonator of myself attend the event just in case some Scorpio is out to kill me (as queen). But I would have the royal palace decorated in deep red and serve romantic dishes since Scorpios love sensual things.
9. Sagittarius. My family is full of these and Cancers which in some weird way compliment them. Sagittarius love having things done for them, talking to perfect strangers like old friends and eating more than cooking, oh and wandering off for long walks without a trace. I would set up a delicious buffet of things they could get instantly as they walk in. There would be tables very close to the food, simple decorations and most of the event would focus on food. I would leave a few small doors open knowing that half of the Sagittariuses would wander after eating and think they were escaping for a stroll through one of the small doors. The food would be replenished frequently as they would stroll back to see if there was more. I would also have lots of plastic containers so they could take things home with the excuse "for my son". I know they would be happy in bed forking it in as soon as they got home.
10. Capricorn. I could expect all Capricorns to arrive 3 minutes early, prepared to hear about politics and with a list of people they would like to introduce me to. These guys are great for politics, especially women. Kate Middleton, Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni all married political men for a reason. I would prepare a sold meal but nothing too fancy for them because the highlight for them would be an open discussion of a political agenda for them to feel involved and more than likely it would be a good discussion.
11. Aquarius. Best Buy would have to hook me up for these guys. Aquariuses love electronics, telling people how things work and figuring out how things work to tell people how they work. But if we are in 17th century Naples I would have their party in an ancient Greek forum and have a philospoher competition. They are very competitive and love the sound of their own voice theorizing even if it bores everyone else to death.
12. Pisces: these fishies for some reason thrive in complicated situations and oddly getting lost both pysically and mentally. If things are peaceful they need a drama to keep them feeling normal. Its like the fish fighting against the current of life. I would take the Pisces out to a labryinth where they would have to find their way out. Eventually they would see signs saying "this way" and would follow it to a fluid dinner: tables floating on water and seafood served for dinner.
If I were queen of Naples I would have all my security guards be Cancer, cooks be Aries, interior designers be Taurus, drivers be Leo, entertainers be Gemini and the cabinet of consultants would most likely all be Capricorn.
...Oh to be queen of Naples in the Royal Palace! Stomp! Why wasn't I born queen?! The Queen Mum and Kate Middleton are not doing it right... - Back to reality. So here are the pictures of all the kings of Naples that are lined up outside of the Royal Palace.
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3. Castel Sant'Elmo...Oh dear. Something Very terrible happened to my pictures here...I took about 500 of the views from Castel Sant' Elmo, then another 500 from the Amalfi Coast...but while driving on the Amalfi I tried to make more space in my camera since it was full and my technical maneuver totally deleted ALL pictures...If I were queen they would be here but I am the daughter of a good shepherd they are not and I accept it. However here is a picture I copied of it:
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A View from the top of Castel Sant' Elmo. You can see all of Naples, the volcano and the beautiful sea. |
Nevertheless, lets talk about Elmo's Castle! This castle is amazingly built on a hill that grants it the best panoramic view of Naples. You feel at the top of the world here! The air gusts are just right that they sway against your skin while the seagull soar up and down with the entire city sprawled below and Mout Vesuvio in the distance. I loved being on top of Castel Sant' Elmo. It is also the most romantic spot in Naples, in my opinion, and a very perfect place for a date or proposal...if Italians proposed but they don't and Italian marriage traditions are for another blog. However, if you are in the proposal type of society like the US, take your spouse to be to Sant'Elmo and pop the question with the entire city smiling below or twinkling below if it is night time. We got there after 4 PM and the ticket was also free after 4 so we lucked out. On the historical side, it was built around 13something and used for several wars (sad) but today it is the most romantic spot with the best view of the city, Mediteranean Sea and Mt. Vesuvio. If I was queen (again then I will stop) I would have my meetings there so I could view my people while I deliberate what is best for them. Then I would have ice cream...or fresh slices of mango with lime juice.
For now that is about it...A very sleepy Bentley (cat) is insisting on sleeping on the computer keypad. I am going to finish my Naples blogs with 3 individual blogs for my 3 favorite places.
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