Today was the perfect scanterstorm (scattered thunderstorms) spring day. We started the day thrilled that it would reach 80 (though we are still sleeping with the German on chilly nights). Then decided to head out to the great outdoors. However, seeing the looming black clouds dancing in between the sunny sky made us think twice about going to hike. We needed to see the wilderness though, so decided to go see the best jungle around here: NYC.
Looking at "the City" from the other side of the water really gives the feeling of looking at nature in its wildest form.
A day looking at mountains |
It's funny, I get the same awe-inspriring relaxed feeling looking at Manhattan as I get looking at the Alps, the Cascades, the PNW rainforest. It is incredible. There is something about those enormous buildings filled with people that made them and run them and keep them going that makes me feel like it isn't too far from the pulse of the rivers.
Hoboken, where we went to, is one of my new places.
I'm not terribly enamored by most of Hoboken, as it looks like most grimy towns with horrible parking and one way streets that border NYC.
However, I found one spot, my spot. I found my spot in New Jersey at long last! There is a spot in each place I have lived and that is my spot I look for when I visit my old home.
In Washington it was between the crab apple trees by the abandoned hospital in Fort Lewis. My dog used to eat and eat apples while I would lay under the shade of the trees wasting time and worrying my mother. Those crab apple trees made a great fort hidden from anyone's curious eyes. They were thick and in the middle there was an opening. It was perfect.
My spot in Italy was the library called
Villa Brunatti, of course. But in this case it was in an old villa with a view of the Alps from the computer room. That was totally a bonus: Library + Alps + Italian Villa = Magic. I couldn't understand why more people didn't hang out there. Maybe they lived there so long the magic grew normal to them.
Villa Brunatti Biblioteca, where children's books helped me learn Italian |
sigh |
My spot in Texas when I was five was in a cardboard box in the closet that my brother promised would take me to the moon. I sat and sat in there waiting for it to happen...Maybe I had the wrong departure date and it left the day we moved.
My spot in Towson was on my porch in a rocking chair overlooking the pool behind my apartment.
I finally found a spot in Jersey. Want to see it? This spot is incredible. It is on a serene college campus that looks like Kentucky: rolling hills of calm happy grass. There are nice wooden chairs that sit inviting you to chill out from the worries of your day. I'm sure you can buy a sweet tea somewhere and enjoy this spot of Jersey that is really like Kentucky while you overlook Manhattan, that animal of nature erupting from the ground. It is incredible.
On the tip of Hoboken there is a green college campus transported from Kentucky. |
Nice view |
Other highlights of our day in Hoboken were:
First ice-cream of the season! I saw an ice-cream truck and the chef nudged me and asked, "Do you want to eat some junk food?" Well, yes indeed did I want to eat some junk food. I restrained myself all during this nasty winter and it was time to let loose and live a little on the wild side.
I was so overcome with happiness I wasn't sure where to shove my change. |
Freedom |
With a grin on my face and a light heart I saw the black clouds on the horizon and knew we were 5 minutes away from a lighting storm. There is something about living in Washington that will teach you a thing or two about rain. Off we went to the gazebo at the end of the pier and within moments there was wind, hale and thick rain. We huddled in there watching the torrential rain monsoon Manhattan. It was magical. It lasted about half an hour then we headed home.
trapped in the monsoon |
staying dry |
the rain always ends |
Manhattan freshly bathed |
I don't love NJ yet, I don't know if I ever will. There are still places I can think of where I would rather be. However, I'm glad I found my little spot.
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