Why I mask, why I veil: The real presence of Jesus and COVID

St. Joan of Arc, pray for us!
 It is the eve of the feast day of this wonderful saint, woman and warrior. May she intercede for us to be brave in the face of adversity. 

“It's good to know.”
― Joan of Arc

I have been mulling over the significance of wearing a mask in public and the significance of wearing a chapel veil to mass. For those who don't know: I veil and I mask.


 I veil because I believe that Jesus is really present in the Eucharist and honor Him by wearing a veil. And I mask because I believe the virus is really present in many spaces and respect the virus by masking. You can't see the coronavirus with the naked eye, but it is there! You can't see Jesus in bodily form through the Eucharist, but He is there!

Jesus in the Eucharist

The coronavirus cell

Masking and Veiling: They have some similarities covering the face and head. There is a lot going on on your head this sweltering Maryland summer. As mass will eventually open up again for the public in Maryland, I thought I would share some thoughts and throw the question out there: Why not veil or why not mask? Do you wan't to mask? Heck no. If you are Catholic do you want to veil? Not really but maybe? Well, if you are a masking Catholic and already feeling awkward, why not feel a tiny bit more awkward and explore a chapel veil? As a bonus to the devotion: the veil will be an added protection if someone sneezes or coughs behind you!

Here are a short list of pro's and con's. Much more could be said about both, but I will keep it short and sweet.  *This is viewed best on a computer, or horizontally on a phone*

The real presence of the coronavirus                                    The Real Presence of Jesus

Mask                                                                        Veil                             


It is uncomfortable.                                                          Can be slippery but generally comfy in                                                                                                      winter or summer depending on                                                                                                                your veil. 

I look weird, quirky at best                                             I look ancient or -shudder-"traditional"

People will think it's a political statement                  People will think I feel superior to them.

I'm worried what others will think                             I'm worried about what others will think

I look ugly (no  you don't)                                         I look vain. (It can be beautiful, but the                                                                                                       interior act should be of humility.)

It messes with my makeup                                            It messes with my hairstyle

I have to remember to bring one more thing!      I have to remember to bring one more                                                                                                          thing!

Ok, now that we got those out of the way, here are the pro's

Mask                                                                    Veil

The virus doesn't have a political party.                          The veil doesn't have a "traditional"                                                                                                            statement. 

What others think isn't the reason you wear it.

It is an act of safety for yourself and others.            It is an act of love and devotion to Christ

Protects us and others from death through the virus           Celebrates life through the living                                                                                                           Jesus in the Eucharist

Recognizes the danger of the virus                                  Recognizes the dignity and reverence                                                                                                        of  Christ in each mass

Draws us to thinking more about health                           Draws us to thinking more about                                                                                                                Jesus

Signals to others that the virus is really present             Signals to others that Jesus is really                                                                                                            present in the Eucharist

What if I forget it?

Tip: Keep a mask / veil basket near your keys at the entrance of your house. An extra veil / mask in your purse or car is also a good idea.

 Try not to come too close to people                                It's ok, come close to God!

There are wonderful websites devoted to exploring both topics more in depth:

Mask: (Links below) I recommend the CDC for mask information on why to mask, how to mask, how to make a DYI mask and all about the real presesnce of the COVID 19 in the virus. 

Veil: (Links below) Veils by Lily has more FAQ's on veiling in the presence of Jesus. 

 A little personal note on veils:

Veils work better if they have a hairclip at the top so they don't slide down and around during mass. I also prefer asking a priest to bless my veil before using it for the first time and I usually wear a new veil on a Sunday to break it in on the Lord's day. Those are my preferences to make the veil a little more special for me in a spiritual sense. Do I veil when watching mass on TV at home? Yes, I do. I also think it is an excellent time and way to test veiling! Not sure if you are into it but are curious? Give it a try at home! 

I veiled in steps so to speak as I was fighting with myself over this devotion. I started with a dark lace bandanna to look like it could or couldn't' be a veil. I was so worried about what others would think of me. Then I upgraded to a beautiful soft infinity veil, gave it a trial run a church where no one knew me, and never looked back. I prayed for God to keep me focused on talking to Him and not worried about any looks I got. It worked. I love veiling as an act of devotion and humility to God. It is the opposite  of vanity because it will rise up questions you have inside of yourself of how you look and what others think, and produce the opportunity for humility. Only once has anyone said anything negative about my veiling practice, "Do you think you are better than me?" did come from a good friend from which the answer was shock followed by "Absolutely not." But for the most part people don't care if you veil or not. 

Now for fun practical veiling questions. Which type of veil? What color? What cut? Prices? Here is what has worked for me, every veiler has her preferences, but these are my thoughts on veil types.

1. The Starter Veil: not sure which one to buy and don't want to spend a fortune? Unsure if you like the look of a mantilla? Go for a starter veil. They are priced around $25 and honestly are my favorite in terms of fit, ease putting it on, and weight. Finding the hairclip with this one is easy.

2. The Mantilla Veil: A Spanish style that is still available. A bit more elaborate and heavy. I had one and even with a hairclip it would slide around. I wear my grandmother's mantilla on Good Friday. A good new Spanish or French Mantilla costs around $35-$70.
Jackie Kennedy wearing a Mantilla veil

3. The infinity veil: This is my favorite cut for the veil. It is like an infinity scarf that you put on your head. I like how it drapes over my face and gives me a little extra privacy if I am praying. However, sometimes it is hard to find the hairclip when putting it on and it feels like I am searching in a tube. These cost around $40.

4. Color: I have 4 or 5 colors of veils. After wearing mostly white and thinking about it, I decided to try wearing a veil that is more dark to blend in with my haircolor and not be too distracting. I do, however, love wearing a pretty white veil on feast days and Marian feast days (Feasts that celebrate Mary. Veils by Lily has an assortment of colors from red to purple and green. Etsy.com also sells chapel veils but they are mostly either white or black. My favorite one is a soft chocolate brown one I have that isn't sold anymore, but here is one similar. 

5. Length: In the summer go for a shorter and thinner veil and put your hair up to stay cool, in the winter a longer and thicker veil will keep you toasty.
Good summer option

Winter option

I really can't recommend masks other than recommending to follow CDC guidelines on masking. They are the experts. Here are some great links for the post above:

1. Center for Disease Control: Masking 

3. Starter Veils: by Veils by Lily

4. Favorite Infinity: by EVintage Veils on Etsy


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