
There are things I wish I knew before embarking on a 28 hour voyage complete with long layovers, cramped legs in tiny seats and time changes. What those things are includes: what does one wear on a 28 hour tight flight? Better said: If you had to sit in a small cube for 28 hours with limited if any sleep what would you wear? What would you take with you in that cube?

I just got out of that travel cube and feel frazzled as one normally would adding to the fact that I went into work (at a Middle School mind you) just six hours after arriving home from being squeezed and hopped around various turbulant flights.

Was Napoli worth it? Oh yes. I would fly in a 30 hour cube to be in Napoli again for Christmas. Tonight? I have chills, a mild fever and the desire for a fresh pizza portfolio, un bel cafe' di mammina and Un Posto al Sole with la Zia. (Pizza, Mom-in-laws coffee, and Italian soap opera with Aunt)

Tomorrow we will celebrate Cappodanno in Napoli! (New Years in Naples!) Be ready for earthshaking excitement.


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