Let Freedom Ring!

Freedom. Such a wide word! So many meanings.
The bee of St. Mary's in Annapolis

I love this prayer garden

 When I was a child, the 4th of July was my favorite holiday. On the military bases we grew up on it implied endless BBQ's, patriotic music and lots of fun games and carnival rides. I loved being an American girl on military bases. Now, after moving to various countries and with a different perspective the ideals of "freedom" mean something quite different. I would love it if this country really were free from oppression, really respected freedom of religion and also respected freedom of life. It has made me glad to see the progress our country has made for women and people of all backgrounds giving them opportunities like never before. However, there is much to improve upon. I rarely, if ever, talk about the political aspects of this country. It seems useless to mention or get upset over since nothing can be done. Well, my brother and I did attend protests and participate in sit-in protests blocking totalitarian rulers cars speaking at American University. But it seems as though all one can really do is make a difference in their own circle of life and the people who surround you.

Bronfrenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory stated that we are made up of the people who are closest to us and then extend out of us into our community, neighborhoods, city, then country etc.

 I love his theory because it is such a good model to use when teaching children and analyzing potential hazards affecting their perceptions and growth. It is also good for adults to see what is affecting us locally so we can better understand how to change those influences for good and bad. So if our reaching power is really local then it seems useless trying to tacking the big world problems of hatred and bigotry. It seems better to tackle those issues within our families and neighborhoods. Educating the children to love one another, to be kind to each other and to think critically of the news and messages they get from media. Freedom of thought if you will. Intellectual freedom is also big on my list. Naturally, as a librarian, it is imperative that people be given the freedom to ask questions, to look for answers and to come to conclusions based on freedom to intellectual access which some people can only access in a public library. How is it that so many of my blogs end on public libraries? They are wonderful places, temples for the mind to grow and repositories for some of the best banned books.

This independence day I pray for the leaders of the world to value life and natural resources which affect us all. The countries of this world separate the values of humanity at time by the laws which regulate us. But we are all creatures of one God. We all inhabit this planet and all of our lungs cumulatively breathe the air in this atmosphere. Our footprints will leave traces of the choices we make so lines of demarcation between nations are irrelevant when you think of the world we live in. So I pray for the leaders to not be proud for them to contemplate their choices before making new laws. And I also pray for the poorest of the poor and loneliest to be comforted by their guardian angels. I hope asking that isn't too much. For sure guardian angels will have enough work cut out for them this weekend in the US as there are hot dog eating competitions, even for kids, all across the nation.

And here are some pictures of this week. I love carrying my camera around to take pictures of what inspires me during the day.

The little girls of Summer camp asked to borrow my camera to take pictures of nature. Their artwork:

 Good books I've read:

"The Adventures of Stuart Little"

"Amelia and Elenor go for a ride"

A little sparrow taking a dust bath. :)


A little girl was chomping on her snack next to me while I read to her from the "National Geographic" suddenly she dropped a cherrio on my skirt. It had some love. 

My backyard friend

I love bridges

The Chesapeake
The Jellyfish of the Chesapeake


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