Cedar Key, Florida

While the Chef was busy with work, I took off for the day to explore the area around Gainesville, Florida. I planned the day carefully: drive strait till you reach the water.

Starting the day with a good cappuccino helped. 

 One particular place I wanted to see was Cedar Key, which is on the gulf coast. I had a craving for a fried oyster basket since....I worked in Annapolis 10 years ago. So I decided, winter thighs in danger of instant growth and all, that my days jogging and squatting at the gym could be traded for one giant basket of fried oysters with refillable sweat tea. As Benjamin Frankin would say, "Do it well, or don't do it at all" or something like that...maybe he said, "Get er done." No, that was my college room mate. Anyway:

I took off in the direction of Cedar Key and loved the beautiful ride there.

I  passed by  about 20 gun shops.

And I passed about 1 million Baptist churches.

Where were long-horn cattle on the way.

The drive was purely majestic with the sweet Spanish moss billowing in the wind like a bridal veil and the long horn cattle lounging under tall palm trees.

I arrived in tiny tiny Cedar Key and decided to check out the lonely beach before finding my fried oyster spot.

The beach was sweet on the rainy day. I got an eerie feeling, the type I give myself if I'm alone in a "Missing Persons" show location and think "This is a perfect place where someone would kill me and who would feed the cats?!"The horror. No one knows the right proportion for their kibble like I do. So I quickly left. I took a walk down town.

I checked out the local library, met a cat called Rebecca and found out from her owner where to find the fried oyster place.

Meet Rebecca.

 There was only one other road, so it wouldn't have been so difficult.

The Oyster place had a cat outside, so I knew it would be good.

Fresh Oysters, come hither to the boiling pot of oil. Come, Little Oysters! 



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