Today is December 8, and that means it is an Christmas holiday in Italy. Here most church holidays are recognized as national holidays and people get the day off, go to mass, eat something nice and relax. Usually, if Friday is the next day off, they take it off from work and call it a "ponte" or bridge in English, to have 4 total days off. On December 8th the official Christmas season begins: Children write their letters to the Befana or Santa Lucia, parents decorate the nativity set (which is extremely popular here) called Il Presepio, and the fraction of people that have adopted the tradition of Christmas trees decorate their trees today. It is a festive, warm, family oriented holiday and it all stems from the tradition that is celebrated today in mass: the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Long title, huh? It just means that today is the day where the Catholic church acknowledges that Mary was born pure without sin, chosen by God to be the mom of Jesus and she agreed to form the Holy Family with Joseph. The Holy Family is the model family for Catholics, it shows how Mary and Joseph decided to follow God no matter what external factors, like escaping to Bethlehem when Mary was fully pregnant because crazy Ceasar Agustus wanting to kill all the first born male babies. Actually, I might have run, or waddled as fast as I could, if I was 9 months preggo and a dictator wanted my baby dead. The strength of the Holy Family has been taught in Italian culture for centuries reinforced by the Catholic church and church holidays, that is probably why today is such a special day where families do Christmas things together. So there is a bit of Catholic and Italian social history for you.
Prayer candels in the church: each one represents a prayer
Ave Maria, piena di grazia, prega per noi |
The church parking lots were totally packed out with people parking even on the grass. |
I felt pretty grouchy a few weeks ago missing home, the traditions there, and the society. But today I felt the Christmas atmosphere that reminded me of Thanksgiving where things officially turn from fall to the holiday season. I was glad to know today was the day to decorate the tree. I went to the basement, opened my box of Christmas decorations and brought up a handful to put on our tree behind our Nativity set that was already up. I brought up the wooden angel cat that I got in college when I was totally broke, the glass acorn I bought in Crate and Barrel the first year I had a real job with benefits and could afford a $5 ornament, a mini glass snowman of which my dear friend has its twin, and a couple dozen clear plastic snowflakes that look like glass (all ornaments are anti-kitty curiosity).
His twin is in Maryland |
On a last note, today I also had an Italian physical need. I needed to eat pasta. I got hungry during the service, was distracted by a 2 year old who was huffing and puffing trying to blow out all of the prayer candles, and then thought that the only thing that could satisfy my hunger was a short cut pasta (penne lisce) with a thick tomato sauce and meat. I thought my hubby and Italian family were inventing things when they said they needed to have pasta, but now I know the feeling. It is like needing to drink coffee first thing in the it is worse because pasta makes you feel calm and relaxed like if you just had a hot bath. If the pasta is al dente you can float through the rest of the day. If it is cooked a bit softer you will get sleepy and will need a nap or "riposo". Now I understand why shops are closed from 12-4. Smart thinking. I opted for riposo today and now feel like a creative human being again. Now I will be off to continue typing away at a Chrismas story of some very curious cats...
Curiosity |
Wow, thanks for this! I'll be going to mass tonight. I'm usually always wearing my miraculous medal that I got when I was 10. It was part of my school uniform! After mass at Corpus Christi, I'll go across the street to the MICA art market.