Did you know that having a cat reduces blood pressure, helps prevent asthma in children, improves your immune system and cuts the risk of stroke by 1/3? I didn't know that, but just looked it up on Google. What I do know is that my two Maine Coon cats, Fatty and Bentley, have been great guys to have around for the last 10 years. They have sat on my desk watching me study my way through my bachelors degree, slept on my piles of books and papers through my masters degree, woke me up when I had a concussion, watched my favorite TV shows with me, patiently traveled 20 hours in a plastic crate to Italy, been sweet when I feel down, funny out of the blue and relaxing when I feel nervous. They are the best cats I could ever wish for.
Bentley on the left, Fatty (El Gordo) on the right |
This week PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is celebrating National Cat Week
http://www.peta.org/features/cat-week-2011.aspx and I would like to chip in the fun by adding my own list of the pros of having a cat in your life. I've had cats on and off since I was 5 and they have always provided something small furry and warm to hug and an entertainment to watch. Every cat I've had has been weird but lovely.
I think everyone could benefit from having a cat, and here are my 10 reasons why:
They keep you company: If you live alone having a cat is a must. They are happy to see you after a long day, or a short day. They are always relaxed and that is a joy to be around after everyone at work has gotten on your nerves. They keep your bed warm in the winter, actually they always keep your bed warm.
Hanging out with Bentley |
Bentley loves a big cup of coffee. |
They are low maintenance: Cats are simple pets to take care of: they don't care too much about you. Don't get offended, its not you, it's them. Cats are not needy, they are cheap and easy to please. They cost about 20 bucks at the pet shelter, one 3 lb bag of food a week, litter and the rest is easy. The average cat sleeps 18 hours a day. The rest of their concerns are food and looking out of the window. It is fine to leave the cat alone for a weekend, just be sure to leave enough food and water.
well fed and getting a sun bath = little need for much else |
They get rid of pests: One reason to have a cat is to ward off mice, rats, birds, and squirrels. The Egyptians loved cats for their ability to keep rats away. Cats saved Europe during the Black Plague (it was the rats fault). And the latest super kitty move was in the 1960s when a rice field in Thailand was infested with rats. The Thai government rounded up all the stray cats, strapped on parachutes and dropped them over the rice fields. Problem solved.
They are great travelers: if you want to go on vacation, go to your moms for a week, or move internationally your cat will be a fantastic patient traveler, much better than most people. They have a natural sense of curiosity and will be happy looking around but must feel comfortable in their cage. Firstly they need to be used to their travel cage. Make it a nice relaxing place for them, maybe even their daily "bed" and prep them before a long trip by putting them in there for a few hours each day. They day of the travel take away food 2 hours before and make sure it isn't too hot or cold if you are flying. As travelers, they will avoid eating or using the bathroom. Cats like privacy and comfort for both and will not want to eat or use the bathroom publicly. If you want to travel by air with them make sure you prep with all the rules of the airline and that your kitty is comfy. I used these products and they were great:
The Kitties Travel Kennels: all set up for flying across the Atlantic! |
Free Entertainment: Most cats get crazy once a month or at a certain time each day. Fatty is programed to announce at 8 Pm exactly that he has to use the litter box. He starts with a howling meow then runs up and down the stairs like a maniac. This induces Bentley to hop on him or swat him in the face. My other favorite is when they eat and Fatty pulls the bowl away from Bentley.
Fatty defending the toy on the right. |
Apron attack brings on Bentley's crazy eyes |
They are Elegant Moving Sculptures: Kitties are moving pieces of art. If you like sculptures get a cat. They seem to understand everything, then not really care anyway. Ask him: what do you think about neurodegenerative diseases? And he will look like he knows the source all of them but doesn't care anyway. "Kitty, what do you think about my wedding dress?" he will answer that it looks....sleep inducing. They are the ultimate post-modern aesthetics, finding beauty and appreciation in the most random things.
Fatty is a messy eater but cleans up too. |
They are Good Hosts : Unlike a dog a cat will never sniff out your guests, follow them, jump on them or bark at them. A cat is the most elegant host: unapologetic for its home, keeps an arms length not giving too much of himself, and doesn't ever make guests feel uncomfortable.
Flexicat |
8) They are Independent: A cat will almost never be needy, clingy or look at you with sad eyes if you worked late. Cats like people, generally. But there are times when they prefer to be alone, can't stand noise or visitors and will crawl under your bed. You often understand and would like to do the same, avoid the same people, and go hang out under your bed with your cat till it is all over. Other times, you won't be able to find your cat and will hear him patting the edge of your closet where he has been sleeping in peace, warmth and quiet on your wedding dress for the last 5 hours.
Personal time |
They Make You Nicer: Seriously, see how you talk to your cat. You are sweet, nice, doting, and diplomatic. "Excuse me Chuberific (Fatty), but I need to get in there" "Sorry Bentley Baby but right now isn't dinner time" "Oh sweet puffy fluffy Fatty, I love how you warm my cold feet". When you get irritated with them it comes out raw, like you would like to address your boss "Listen you ass, you don't scratch the leather couch! Next time you do that I'm selling you to the butcher." But most of the time you are Mrs. Nice when talking to the cat.
Such a nice El Gordo! Look at Mr. Meatball, he is pure fat. Such a cutie! |
) They Keep You Safe: Cats are smart, they know when their food source (you) is in trouble and they alert you, or in some cases save you. For instance, bring a strange person in the house and they will let you know, or pee in their shoes if that person is really bad (Bentley did that once). If you get sick they sense it and will cuddle with you. If you are standing on an unstable chair to put something away, fall, go unconscious and are alone...they will wake you up. When this happened to me both the cats would get nervous everytime I would get close to the closet where I fell.
Bentley napping my husbands clothes (his human of choice). Fatty is not allowed near. |
In summary, cats are cheap, elegant and good sweet relaxed friends. If only every relationship were so easy, life would be much nicer.
I love the cat pics, especially the one of Bently and his coffee. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely essay! I'm a professional writer, and I was charmed and entertained. Not just because I'm a cat lover, which is also true.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your two friends! Enjoy...
M.L. Gamble