Mushrooms, Baltimore and Sunshine

Have you ever wondered what life is like under a mushroom? No? Well it is divine. If you were an ant the perfect place to live would be under a mushroom. The other evening I spotted a colony of mushrooms and went out to get pictures of them. There are some beautiful things in nature that can easily go unnoticed in the rush of life: bills, alarm clocks, work, colleagues and the all-mighty smart phone. Who has time to contemplate mushrooms or life under mushrooms for that fact? Well, in my humble opinion, which matters very little in the cosmos, life under mushrooms is mighty important. It is dainty, elegant like lace and if you listen quietly you can hear the music of Chopin's nocturnes.

Welcome Home

I wish I could live under here.

Love mushrooms attached at the hip

In other news, I recently crossed the Potomac river on a little ferry boat and felt like Huckleberry Finn. The pace of life here is very different than that of Norther New Jersey. One minute you are in the country crossing a ferry boat and seeing truly southern people and the next you are on the beltway with people from 64 countries driving next to you from Diplomats to house-cleaners.

Yesterday we started the day with a long "to-do" list then scratched it and got in the car and drove up to Baltimore. There was going to be an airshow and the chef thought I might like it.

It was perfect chilly fall weather for wearing a flannel shirt!

 We parked in the Mount Vernon neighborhood, about five miles away from Ft. McHenry and decided to walk to see the airshow. We walked about four miles then decided it was too far. But we loved the Baltimore neighborhoods along the way!

Mt. Vernon is gorgeous. I want to live here in another life. 

Two block are like Boston meets Paris

Sadly, drug overdoses are rampant in Baltimore. 

Little Venice in Baltimore. Houses built on the water. 

A tiki bar on a barge 

I love Baltimore. 

A children's pirate boat sailed by and all the kiddos were screaming and roaring as loud as they could. It was frightening!

A miracle happened: the Chef deigned to eat Indian food! It was absolutely delicious!
Lastly, the leaves in my backyard are currently  having a ball with the sun. They are as pretty as stained glass:

Oh, and the air show was thrilling. We didn't go all the way there but the Blue Angels still soared over us, broke the sound barrier and the earth shook with the force of their speed. It was thrilling. I jumped and clapped feeling the wind rush and the sound so loud that nothing could interrupt it. 
I want to be a jet pilot in another life. 


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