Blizzard 2016

Congratulations, Maryland. You gave us a bonafide blizzard!

While the wind howled and inches of snow stacked up outside, my nose howled and piles of tissue stacked up inside.

 I got the flu. I'm not sure where I got it. Was it walking down the street in high heels at 25 degrees? Or was it substitute teaching and having one of the adorable little kids sneeze on their spelling work-page and hand it in? My favorite part about this blizzard was actually at the school. I was walking down the hallway during "library time" and saw two 3-year olds peeing on the wall eagerly chanting "Snow snow snow snow snow!" Yes, they were boys. I forgot to point that out. Little girls would never pee together nor pee on the wall chanting about the snow. My least favorite part of the blizzard? Getting sick. I walked around with a fever, pounding head and feeling really like I needed to do something useful. Why is it that when I am most sick I feel that everything needs to get done? I stood still with my tissue box in hand for about 20 minutes thinking of polishing my boots and re-organizing the closet. A good sleep later I woke up feeling like myself. I also found a mountain of fur outside of our bedroom door. The kittens hated having me in bed and beat each other up outside of our room with frustration.

However, today I woke up great! I microwaved some orange juice, had a great breakfast and took pictures of a very cute intruder.

We'll keep him.

Fatty and Bentley prepared by putting on their snow suits.

I knit as much as I could onto a little blanket I have been making for the past 5 years.

It started as a lap blanket and slowly has been growing. 

Bentley has been  helping me feel better and knows to stay far when I knit. 
Oh, right. It snowed. More pictures:

a patch of blue sky

Mr. Muscles did an incredible job digging us out. He also sings very good Napolitan songs.

Accuweather. This thing is more reliable than any weather channel or the TV.

To nourish Mr. Muscles. 

The End


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