Liquids and Solids

My most loyal reader told me this morning, "Si pronuncia 'mannaggia la miseria', and you should really add pictures to your next post.

 In fact, drivers in North Jersey usually scream, "Ma va fancu'!" shaking their hands wildly, but note taken on proper Italian curse word usage. Mannaggia la miseria, mannaggia la miseria, mannaggia la miseria. Got it.

I really need to get back on my resolutions of learning new negative ways to express myself in Italian...

As far as the pictures, I did my best to capture my day today in solids and liquids. Here we go:

My nose woke up feeling clogged like this:
The drain this cold miserable morning.

Then moved on to slowly dripping like a melting glacier like this:
You must be careful walking underneath buildings. One of these things could put a hurting on a girl. 

My mind felt numb and dull like the New Jersey streets around factories. Factory streets are internationally depressing. But, by the way, make excellent detours around traffic. You just need to know your streets. Thanks, Google maps!
"Factory road, take me home, to the place I belong. Some place warmer, some place cleaner, take me home factory road."

Then my nose felt like this.
Drip, drip, drip

No matter how much tea I drank or how many lotiony tissues (finally soft tissue!) I went through it still ran like a car wash.
I enjoy sitting in the car wash listening to the radio loudly as the brushes swish the salt off my car. 

Then I begin to worry that the hot water will crack the window pane and glass will go everywhere and I will die. 

I remind myself that this is due to my Moon in Cancer. Silly worry wart. But really, could the window crash? Just in case it might I wrap my scarf around my face. 

And we get to the end of the car was, I am enjoying the song and feel responsible for both washing my car so it doesn't corrode to pieces, and for wrapping my face "just in case" the glass explodes, either way I am a satisfied customer. Damn moon in cancer...worries for nothing. 
That is all. And poor car wash employees. That job in negative degree weather deserves some good citizen award. Oh, one more thing. Songs get stuck in my head when I have a cold, today pronounced "gold" and since I can't exercise these days the song just sits there. Current songs are fabulous so no complaints there, they are:

1. Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" I like the entire song except the Jeffrey Dahmer mention.

2. Stephano Filipponi "A me me piace a Nutella" Which is really a beautiful song about how much he likes Nutella.
