Is it really fall?

The post man delivered some beautiful beach chairs that I hankered for. It was a few days too late though. I think summer is over. The thick sweatpants, sweater pulled out of the winter bag and sore throat because I insisted on wearing my pretty sandals basically stated it. 

I am sort of bummed that summer lasted 1 month and 8 days. Looking on the bright side, fall means you get to eat more of those rich, tasty, not healthy for you things, right? I know I am hitting home here. Pumpkin pie, apple pie, hot frothy lattes and cinnamon on everything. Given the deeply grouchy mood I was in with my sore throat I decided to eat through the day. Totally self sabotaging the miles I walked this week but the voices in my head said happily, "Toast with a hunk of feta cheese and some basil will sooooooth the heartbreak of summer ending away." So I did it. I ate a sandwich with a brick of feta cheese the size of Texas, washed it down with some Coke and had dessert with a few tablespoons of Nutella. Thanks, Costco for selling house sized amounts of feta. I ate twice the calories that I burned during my "power walks", had a deep nap, the type of nap that makes you feel physically attached to your bed and thoughts of leaving said bed are painful. 

Like El Gordo, my cat, the only thing that  could draw me away from that deep dark hibernating nap was the sound of food. I really should not have gone down the stairs but like El Gordo I was curious as to what food was hitting the table. 
self portrait

I ate again and it was delicious. Coming out of my groggy state of devouring a sandwich I realized there was someone sitting in front of me. The handsome man with curls. "You're here!" he piped. Yep, I am here, here I am. In NJ in the FALL in august I am. Fall, let's do this. And get it over with. Maybe one day I won't be in a state where the winter lasts 10 months, people call a pizza a "pie", and a drawer isn't pronounced "draw". On the bright side, this weather should be perfect for hiking, traveling and drawing and of course pumpkin everything.

The cactus has a funny story. A certain someone was feeding it generously each night with a full cup of water. Who waters a cactus regularly? The cactus was then slowly tortured by two felines and an air-conditioner. It thought it had seen it's last days till a Mexican came and saved it. She put it on her sombrero and carried the cactus away to the top of a bookcase in the sunniest part of the house where chefs with buckets of water and hungry wild cats couldn't find it. There the cactus remains, unfed, blossoming and happy.


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