Oh dear Atlantic City, how very skeevy, flashy and glitzy you are....This week I had the pleasure of traveling solo for a few days to Atlantic City. Leaving the house took me hours. It was my first time leaving my husband and cats and I felt compelled to clean every corner of the house before I left. Some piece of me longed to take the rumpled laundry with me to the Revel Resort and iron it all in my hotel room.
The drive down was pretty harsh: splattering wind and rain all the way. It was like driving in a car wash for three hours. Finally I started to see the enormous casinos come out of the earth in the horizon. They were disturbing the marshy watery Jersey Shore. I felt sort of dirty myself coming to Atlantic City all alone. The people in the casino/resort mostly looked like shady shifty gamblers and that made me feel gross. The conference I went for put me up in one of the newest fancy resorts called the Revel.
Revel Resort |
The Revel Resort is simply enormous, being inside of it is like being inside a very shiny glossy whale and you don't know how to get out. Their interior designers are geniuses though, their decorator must have been a very stylish Italian woman.
This big lamp reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. Standing under it made me feel tiny. |
It is built like a labyrinth with sprawling layers one for casinos, the other for congresses then a sandwich of hotel rooms stacked into the sky.
I have to say I adored my hotel room. I went up to the 40th floor and felt strange so dutifully began to unpack. I discovered a security box in my room, pondered what I should put in it and put my most valuable belongings:
Vitamins, half a muffin, almonds, purse and Kindle. LOCKED! |
I quickly finished unpacking my tiny suitcase and sat in the chair facing the window and watched the clouds in awe as they floated and floated and floated by.
There is the horizon. |
I felt like an angel sitting there in the silence watching the delicate wispy white clouds glide between the stubborn and strait buildings. Although I couldn't see the ocean, it was covered in clouds, I watched the sun set and lingered on every minute enjoying the colors changing against the palate of the city.
It was awesome.
I can't understand how people were off in the trenches of the casino tossing their money in the wind when each hotel room had a great view like this.
The next best thing about the Revel was my room. Gosh, this room is a dream come true for a princess! Check it out.
Welcome! |
May I take your hat? |
Please have a seat! |
Their bathroom was the size of my first apartment. Seriously. I could have taught a Tai Chi class in it if I knew Tai Chi!
Ommmmm |
This bathroom had five shower heads! FIVE! One to rain on the room, one to rain on the head and three for the back. Dude.... |
I stood in the shower room the size of my kitchen admiring the shower heads as if they were a precious work of art. |
Then I tiptoed into the sea of bed
and discovered this: the remote control to LIFE.
Read: lights, temperature, drapes, TV, guide and info. |
With this remote from paradise you can:
Open and close the shades! |
Too cold? Let's turn up the heat. |
I only want the entry light on. |
Swanky.....I sat there and turned the lights on and off, opened and closed the drapes. Then I called my chef and made him watch it on Skype. When the chef muttered and hung up I called my sleeping brother and forced him to watch it on Skype. "Look at the curtains open! Watch them close! Look at me turn on the lights! Can you see me?! Now you can!" He grunted something about it being 3 in the morning for him in his time zone and hung up. When I honed my skills with the remote I gave in to finally snuggling into the sheets and watching a chic flick:
Four Weddings and a Funeral...ahhh romance. My dad would appreciate this one. |
I started the morning right:
My vaulted half muffin came out for breakfast. |
perfect view... |
I was happy to enjoy the rest of my time in Atlantic City. I enjoyed the congress I went to and met many great book and cat lovers, they are inseparable.
exactly |
I pitter-pattered down the board walk and looked at all the tacky casinos.
Cpt. Seagull, protector of the french fries. |
oh jersey.. |
Fatty and Bentley are booked for next time |
my favorite picture |
A piece of me fell in love with the part of America that builds giant tacky casinos. Then I gratefully drove home singing .
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