9: Mother of Sorrows: For the 13 Loved and Lost Children
This last post of my novena to Our Lady of Sorrows is dedicated to the parents of the thirteen Military service members, their children, who died in the Kabul Airport blast on August 26, 2021.
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All prayer roses gone, sent to places of pain and suffering with the love of Our Mother of Sorrows who understands. |
Mary's last sorrow was the preparation of the body of Christ and His burial. I absolutely love something she told Saint Bridget of Sweden when she appeared to her. Our Lady told her, "Though I felt a grief over the death of my Son that could not be compared to any other, I also rejoiced in my soul, because I knew that my Son would not die again, but would live forever. Thus, some joy was mingled with my sorrow when He was placed in the tomb."
The only joy that comes from death, from burial of a child, is knowing that our children can't die again and that Christ died and rose so that we might rise again with Him. The paradox of burying a beloved child and the sickness from sorrow does in fact mingle with prayers in thanks for the hope of heaven with our beloved Creator for only that is worth the pain of death. This life, when we chose to be Christian, does ask us to carry our cross daily and follow in the footsteps of Christ: in faithfulness, in being mocked for our faith, in being misunderstood, but also in resting in the joy of suffering that can be redemptive. I often think of all the suffering I went through in years past that I didn't know could be used as a prayer of suffering for someone I love. Now, when I suffer, I know the bigger the pain I bear the more I can offer that for someone. Recent dentist visits have offered lots of opportunities for my pain to be a prayer united to the cross of Jesus.
For this last prayer rose, I took it from Mary's bouquet and headed to the famous Section 60 in Arlington Cemetery where most of the thousands of graves are from men and women who died in Afghanistan. Twenty years of death.
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Hundreds of Marines arriving for the solemn burial of one recently fallen. |
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Alive in eternity |
It was overwhelming to choose which grave to place a rose on. I prayed silently as I walked through the rows and rows of young people killed. I stopped and touched their names. One grave stood out to me, there was a kiss on his tombstone. With so many recent rainstorms and even a hurricane, I knew it was a fresh kiss... the kind of kiss you leave someone's grave who never leaves your heart, not even for a day. The love felt there was the kind of love I felt on a special day I lost someone I loved on October 12. It is a love I'll never forget and a love I can recognize in others pain.
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For Benjamin, his family, the sorrowful heart of the person who left the kiss, and all other soldiers of this tragedy. |
When Jesus was buried, Mary revealed to St. Bridget of Sweden that two hearts were in that grave, hers and the heart of her Son. Seeing the kiss on that grave made me see the heart of the person is with the fallen soldier.
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Mother Mary, your heart was pierced with so many swords. Comfort these families who have just had a sword pierce their very hearts. |
Day 9: For the honor of the lost children, Military service members lost in Afghanistan
In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Holy merciful Father in Heaven, hear our prayers today. Mary, Mother of Sorrows, please intercede for us today as we pray for all souls lost and buried at the bombing attack in Kabul. I pray for all Military families who lost a soldier in Afghanistan, have mercy on them. I pray for all Afghans who lost a family member in this very long war, comfort them, Mother of Sorrows. Merciful Father, eternal rest grant unto them, and perpetual light shine upon them. May these souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through your mercy, rest in peace.
Mother of Sorrows, please intercede in our prayers especially for:
The family of Maxton Soviak, come to their assistance, Lord.
The family of Hunter Lopez, comfort their affliction, Lord.
The family of Rylee McCollum, be with them in their affliction, Lord.
The family of Daegan Page, give them strength and uphold them, Lord.
The family of Kareem Nikoui, hold them in the palm of your hand, Lord.
The family of Ryan Knauss, wipe their tears and hold them in your heart, Lord.
The family of Jared Schmitz, JareBear, hide them in your most Sacred Heart from all evil, Lord.
The family of Taylor Hoover, sustain them and give them hope, Lord.
The family of David Espinoza, leave them not alone in this deep valley of unending tears, Lord.
The family of Johanny Rasario Pichardo, bring them your light in the darkest moments, Lord.
The family of Nicole Gee, may her life give them rivers of joy in the hope of heaven, Lord.
The family of Humberto Sanchez, may they be aware of your presence and love for them in this moment, Lord.
The family of Dylan Merida, don't let them feel abandoned, make yourself known to them, Lord.
Mary, Mother of Sorrows, and Comforter of the Afflicted, please be at the side of the families of these Military service members. Show your maternal love for them, cover them with your holy mantle of protection. I pray for all evil to be far from them and for their hearts to turn to the Hope that Jesus gives us in His most Holy Death. I pray for their holidays, for the birthdays, and for the moment that they put away the clothes of their child that will never be worn again to be moments you are very close to them in their sorrow.
Mother of Sorrows, I pray in a special way for an intention that I ask for your help in prayers with, my intention of (Name your intention), please pray for me with your most perfect motherly Immaculate heart.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be a world without end, Amen.
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