6: Our Lady of Sorrows: Meeting on the way to Die
I wish no parent would have to outlive their child or see their child die. One of the comforters for parents who loose a child is Mary, Mother of Sorrows.
It is truly one of the worst nightmares for parents is to have their child die. Mary, Mother of Sorrows, had her only Son, be tortured and killed right before her eyes. She didn't let her fear of seeing Him stop her from being with Him in His agony and stop her from seeing Him be abused and beaten. She didn't shy away from the disgust and pain that she felt in seeing her child die.
One of Mary's sorrows was in meeting Jesus face-to-face amidst a bustling crowd of loud people pushing him on the way to His death on the hill at Calvary. Jesus was beaten beyond recognition and was dragging His own cross to be nailed to (for love of you and me) and on that path to the hill, stood his mom. She caught sight of Him and they stood looking at each other for a few moments and as St Liguori says, "Jesus and Mary looked at each other, and their looks became as so many arrows to wound those hearts which loved each other so tenderly."
I can imagine, it is with unutterable tenderness that a parent looks on at a child they love from the bottom of their heart as that child is on their way to meet God in eternity.
Today, I took a 6th rose and took it to a place where many children of God meet eternity: a Hospice Home. No doubt most of the patients here are adults, but they are children all the same. Children of God in need of tender looks from Mary, Mother of Sorrows, as she comforts her children on their way to end the life here and pass on to eternal life.
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Three more prayer roses |
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For everyone in palliative and hospice care, put your mantle on them, Mother of Sorrows. |
Day 6: Meeting a child on the way to die
In the name of the Father, and Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Holy Father in Heaven hear our prayers from the depth of our heart as we ask for intercession from your most Holy Mother of Sorrows. Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us. Please intercede today for the parents of all US Soldiers who died in action during the Afghanistan conflict. I especially pray for the parents of the 13 killed in the blast in Kabul. Place your maternal mantle on those mothers and fathers and comfort them. I pray for an increase in their faith so that they can have hope for eternal life without pain and suffering. I also pray for the parents of all Afghanistan soldiers and fighters: Taliban soldiers or Muhajideen Taliban-resistance fighters. I pray for their parents to be consoled and for the hearts to be blessed with openness to conversion in faith Jesus Christ who redeems us from all sin and suffering. I pray for the conversion of all souls engaged in war for them to have an understanding and steadfast belief in God almighty who created us all in His image and likeness. I pray for families of all soldiers suffering from PTSD, for those families to be safe, to have confidence in God's purpose for each of our lives, and for compassion towards their family member with PTSD. I especially pray for Afghan mothers and father who have or will witness the torture and death of their child, like you did, Mother of Sorrows. Let their grief rest on your shoulder and hold them, sustain them and pray for them. I pray for all parents in any situation who have their child die before them. Loving Mother of Sorrows, comfort them and I pray for an increase in their faith in God, hope in eternal life, and love in Jesus who will sustain them. Lastly, I pray for all children of God in hospice today. I pray for their guardian angels to be near them, and for Our Lady to comfort them. I pray for those souls to have Holy Deaths.
If it is the will of God the Father, I pray for my special intention of (Name your intention). I pray most Holy Mother of Sorrows to intercede for my very special intention and grant it if it is good for my soul and the souls of those I am praying for.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, a world without end. Amen.
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