Little Seeds, Nice Tomatoes

Yesterday I pulled out my little pods to plant little tomato seeds for the coming spring. I had some San Marzano seeds, cherry tomatoes and Heirloom Cherokee Tomatoes.

 As I held them in my  hand I thought how wonderful it is that tomatoes start out so small. In 80-90 days these little seeds will have grown, flowered and turned out their first fruits.

They will grow, and in a few months they will look like this:

And I will be so happy in my garden my hair will run wild.

The tiny tomato seeds are beautiful. For now they are tiny little seeds warmly sitting in the fertilized pod that will be their home for the next few weeks. Isn't it poetic that we each start out like this? The giant oak tree starts out as a small seed, the solid Maple tree from a tiny seed. I was once as tiny as this tiny little tomato seed and so were you. My Cherokee Tomato seed doesn't look that much different than my cherry tomato seed, in fact they look very similar. But they are unique, like us. From the first moment you existed you already, like the tomato seed, had the DNA that would determine your hair color, eye color, skin color and unique features that make you special and precious. Your beautiful heart started beating after 24 days, isn't that incredible? To think that all poets started as tiny as a tomato seed is poetic. To see that all scientists started the size of this little kernel demonstrates how scientifically simple it is to see that  human life starts so small. To see little women start life as tiny as a seed shows that women's rights begin being acknowledged in the womb. Seeing each little life begin so small shows that no life is "illegal" merely for existing on the wrong side of the border of the womb.

When the "manifesto" of what constitutes deserving to be alive is so large outside of the womb that it takes no life into account inside the womb, then isn't it time we take a look at the manifesto and ask ourselves what is wrong with being alive? What is life? Really, what is a human life? 

A few minutes out of the womb.

Do people in comas count? What about criminals? Or people who have COVID on ventilators? Are they human enough? Who is an immigrant when we are all immigrants and who is a human when all the living are humans? Who get's to choose who counts as a human?

 Life is precious, like you are precious and unique and lovable.

This cute little bottom was saved from an abortion clinic. He loves tickles and pumpkin puree.

King Herod wanted this one killed.

 Every inch of you was made intentionally to be just who you are and to be loved more than you could ever imagine being loved by your creator. He created you to be His beautiful child and His heart burns for love of you. No one will every love you as much as He loves you and nothing you did or do will make you be loved any less than having all of you loved forever.

He chose for you to exist, He choses for each little one to exist. Your purpose is to be loved and to love.

You are created to be Perfectly Loved.

Today is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, or legally "410 US 113, (1973)", the anniversary of legalized abortion in the USA, a "medical reproductive practice" that ends human life.

It silenced over decades so many beautiful lives: future incredible poets, brilliant scientists, Holy priests, graceful strong women's voices, inspiring immigrants all sent to graves. The greatest danger is not seeing how special and loveable we are in the eyes of God. Because, when we can't see that in ourselves, and accept that our life is incredibly valuable, we will not be able to see it in the quiet reality of life on the inner side of the border of the womb.


  1. Superb Cecilia. You ended with a poetic flourish. You have a way ...


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