Snow arrived this week on Wednesday and for those of us who got a snow day from work we were excited! It was like having an extra Friday! The kittens of the DC area have a different relationship with time where everyday is Friday. Snow days are extra special for cats. Some of the cats spend the day sleeping more naps than usual. Others check their social dating media just to fall asleep constantly swiping the wrong cats and getting terrible dates as a result. Oops. Other kittens enjoy singing their little furry hearts out. Miss Nellie in Silver Spring sat at the window of her house watching the snow fall and singing to her favorite musical song,
"When You're in Love" from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.
"When you're in love there is no way you can deny it." |
She moved along to singing "
Goin' Courtin" imagining the dreamy lumberjack kitty coming to court her at the window. It'll never happen. Lumberjack kitty may seem handsome and dashing but he gets easily distracted by low flying birds and falls asleep while trimming his beard.
"Here's a little feminine advice: Roll your eyes and heave a little sigh. Grunt and groan like you're about to die. That is what's known as 'emotin' goin' courtin'." |
Nellies's roomate Mems watches her as she is swooning in love with her imaginary lumberjack kitty in a checked little jacket. Mems, a beautiful tuxedo kitty, knows just what love is all about as she found her soul-kitty while prancing around the litter box at a local shelter years ago.
Mems |
There she was tossing the litter here and there for no good reason other than seeing it fly when she heard a deep strong voice singing
"Bless Her Beautiful Hide." Mems paws froze and her stomach did butterflies as she turned and saw the most beautiful cat she'd seen in her life: Oliver!
"Oh I'd swap my my gun and I'd swap my mule / though whoever took it would be one big fool / if indeed I knew you'd say "I Do".... Oliver sung his little heart out. |
There he was, a backwoods-cat singing "Bless her beautiful hide, I don't know your name but I'm staking my claim lest your eyes are crossed." They locked eyes and stared each other down deciding whether to paw-smack each other and get in a brawl or purr. Cat's can be so fickle like that: fighting passionately one minute and purring the next and sulking to show their love. Alas, they were soul-cats, enjoyed the few moments of purr-passion they had till they were torn away and taken to very boring homes. Mems still thinks of Oliver daily, and Olly still thinks of his ladycat.

Down the street in Bethesda there is Miss Marie who is prissy and well-fed and can't stand musicals or singing at all. Her lady-owner loves dressing her for Instagram and Marie hates it but puts up with it seeing that she is picture purr-fect in each shot. Cats can be so vain! Marie does appreciate romantic love but prefers her suitors to be clear and strait to the point, oh and to come laden with plenty of cat-nip infused gifts! Yes, expensive gifts are an absolute must for Marie. Since she has no time for the pathitic wales and woos of the alley cat who howls at her window. Her favorite single song is,
"Without You" from My Fair Lady. She prefers to nap through his tearful cries of love. Some may call her heartless but she is practical. Alley-boy cat has no catnip gifts and is not refined. He certainly won't do. He needs about 10 showers, better posture and a good teeth-cleaning before Marie will even consider giving him one minute of attention.
"Is Ally-cat still howling his love for me? How pathetic and dull. He's making a racket. 'You are not the beginning and the end. There will be spring ever year without you. England will still be here without you. Art and music will thrive without you.' she sings to herself. |
Back in Silver Spring Fatty and Bentley watch the snow gently fall. These two fluffy brothers are the St. Bernard of cats and relish a good snowfall. They begged me to take them out, so I did for two minutes and they absolutely loved it.
Let us out! |
Unfortunately for Fatty, the love of his life is my mom. That unrequited distant love pains his heart if he ever hears her voice. While she is away his thoughts are mostly on food. His love song for my mom is the grandiose majestic Russian Red Army choir singing
"The Sacred War" an old national Soviet song by Alexander Alexandrov.
No one is quite sure why that is his love song of choice, intense and Soviet?...but it makes sense to Fatty to sing passionately with all his heart when he beholds a picture of my mom....."Let noble wrath boil over like a wave!" he proclaims. Alrighty then. Fatty mutters poetry by Pushkin under his breath as he plays in the snow.
"The snow below the bluish skies, like a majestic carpet lies, and in the light of day it shimmers" |
"The woods are dusky through the frost the green fir trees are exposed" |
"And under ice a river glitters." -Alexandr Pushkin. Oh Fatty, misery loving poetic soul he is. |
Bentley on the otherhand has been smitten with Magnolia who only comes around in the summer. He brings his best toys to the glass door and show them off to her. He tosses them and flips them hoping to impress her. She rolls around on the deck to show her approval and appreciation. His song for Magnolia is
"All Summer Long" by Kid Rock. "I'll never forget the way the moonlight shined upon her fur. Sipping milk out the bottle, not worrying about tomorrow, singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long."
"Magnolia, where are you, babe?" |
"Come back to me this summer, Maggy!" Bentley telepathically sends his love. |
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