Bentley is the favorite cat for most people who meet him and Fatty.
Naturally, Fatty is adorable but ignores you and goes to hide like a recluse. Bentley on the other hand enjoys making new friends and if he were human he would make a great politician, think a happy Chris Christie.
Maybe not. Maybe Bentley would be a great barber, the jovial type that talks about music and pizza. So much attention is given on this blog to the Fat Cat because he is constantly around me. Bentley deserves a little attention too.
Minding his own business in the way of everything. |
ooo! Someone cares about me! Let me get attention while Fatty is away! |
Fatty, don't steal my spotlight. |
Fatty is more jealous than ....well just about anyone! |
Poor ignored Bentley! |
Here are 10 things you need to know about Bentley.
1. Bentley is a healing cat. He knows when people are sick and gravitates towards them so slowly and sweetly laying next to them that you almost didn't feel him coming over. Then his sweet low purrs start and he stays next to the ill till they feel better or he is carried away. Its quite sweet.
2. Bentley thinks people going into the shower are in grave danger so will swipe your ankle with clawed paws and howl for the duration of your shower. It's best to put Bentley elsewhere when you shower.
3. Bentley loves to help! He thinks he can help sew, cook, write a term paper, sweep, clean toilets, fix the heater, just about anything! The problem is that he is a cat. This frustrates him and humans since he mostly gets in the way, but with very good intentions!
4. Bentley can't stand viruses! The healing cat will escape with intense alacrity if you sneeze or cough around him. He is a healer but don't send him to the infectious disease hospital!
5. Bentley loves getting stuck in the closet. It happens so often where he runs in and.......8 hours later when I come home from work some very dry and horse "meows" crow out of the closet. Fatty usually seems pleased and smug on these days.
6. Bentley doesn't like watching "The Bachelor" but does like "Say Yes to the Dress" and Discovery anything with Lions or Elephants. He also despises any bad cat shows.
7. Bentley loves music, especially Edith Piave. He once sat the entire afternoon atop of the speakers in our old apartment in Italy listening to her music over and over again. Other genres he enjoys are old country songs, Debussy and Vivaldi's "Four Seasons"
8. Bentley is a lap cat. He love sitting on my lap and won't budge even if I am standing up. Usually I carry him and plop him down back in my lap wherever I move my tush to. It works.
9. Bentley can hear a tuna can opening from a mile away. He will dash like lightening to devour any remaining tuna oil from the can.
10. Bentley still hasn't learned that when Fatty licks him gently on the head it is preparing the stage for an attack. Bentley still thinks it's love. Poor cat.
In other news, Fatty is quite sick. A trip to the vet today showed he lost 3 pounds. That is like loosing 1/4 of your total weight. I told him nice things and put him in a basket to sleep for the night. It seems like the kitty flu but could be more than that.
Fatty Worried |
This doesn't look like Kansas! |
We're going to see the Whisper, the wonderful whisperer of Cats! |
Incidentally, my vet is a lot like the wizard of oz! He whispers to cats and the cats talk back. Fatty loves him and he barely loves me.
Yes, I do. |
Please allow our staff to restrain your chubby cat. Thank you. |
Also, I have really been enjoying early fall. I've been going for walks during my miniature lunch break. 25 minutes! That isn't a lunch break! Some people I know brew coffee for longer than that! Anyway, during my 25 minute escape from tweens break I have been going to walk around the school and have really enjoyed the views.
I hate wearing a collar to school! I can understand why my cats have kicked off of theirs off! |
The barn next to my school is like a singing poem trickling like a sweet breeze between clouds of middle schoolers screaming, burping, farting and torturing the sound waves.
This is the reaction I usually get when I ask a group of girls if they are ready to check out their library books:
"Um. Yeah I have to read in school? Duh!" |
I prefer the little groups of reading girls and boys as opposed to the clicks of hormonal and defiant excess.
Sunset at the Harris Teeter Grocer Store |
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