I should be fast asleep right now getting some good rest gearing up to visit a myth of a woman some know as greater than Hercules. She can rule people and has power over tribes like no other...one tear from her eye can send people flying to make HUGE changes in their life. She is Granny.
And as I prepare to visit her, I am downloading pictures on my camera and noticed something weird. The End of the World! We like to call this beautiful prairie in New Vernon that name because it is at the top of a hill. As you drive up the hill in the forest you see a clearing and beyond that clearing: Nothing. It looks like the earth is void. Then it looks like the world ends and that you are going to fall over the edge like Christopher Columbus though. Oh, no my friends, you won't fall. The earth continues onto the land of billionaire family Freilingheuysen of New Jersey. It is a massive prairie with no lights. Just land.
So on August 9th we headed out to The end of the World to see the stars. The most stars can be seen on this week of the year so we figured we would go star gazing. I tried, to no avail, to take pictures of the stars.
None came out. So I took a video with my crappy old camera and just now was reviewing the pictures before to delete them and saw this:
Is it or isn't it an alien spaceship?! I know, right?!!!! Is it a spaceship full of kittens?
Flying saucer |
Moon walker |
It's late and I'm obviously sleepy. I will say goodnight with some yummy pictures grazie al chef della casa. Cuanto e bravo queste cicione!
Exhibition A: deep fried zucchini flowers stuffed with cheese and ham
yum! |
Exhibition B: other really good stuff
lamb steak with a wedge salad |
Rigatoni con salmone |
Cappelli di angelo con il pesce spada |
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