The beginning of summer has been nearly perfect. We have spent the last few weekends enjoying the warm sunny weather, not too hot and definitely a far cry from the brutal blizzards we were in three months ago. Norther Jersey is very close to NYC but if you drive 20 minutes west you are suddenly in the country or if you drive to Princeton you find yourself in South Carolina type of surroundings.
We have loved these weekends like little pigs. Rightfully, we visited the newest little pigs in the neighborhood at a local farm.
Fosterfields Living Historical Farm is a museum-farm run like 100 years ago.
Anne and Marilla |
A Jersey cow |
Her name is Cutie Pie |
Cuddles |
oink oink oink! |
Time to weigh the pigs |
a little helper |
going to get an escaped piggy |
lunch menu: pork |
little sausage rolls |
baby curl |
mom's curl |
The live-in farmer lives here. Not too shabby! |
the dinner bell |
Fresh butter |
Then yesterday we headed down to Princeton where everyone homeless, raggedy and sullen is a Noble Prize winner or professor of the esteemed Princeton University. The campus is a castle surrounded by fields and fields of country fit for Anne of Green Gables.
Princeton University |
So we did what Anne and Gilbert would have done and rented a little boat for the day.
Water under the bridge |
Sailing up and down the stream was magical. We saw families of little animals left and right. Little turtles lined up learning how to swim and little Canadian geese ruffled their very fluffy feathers.
On our boat, our little family had some initial discussion of how to paddle and use the oars. He paddled right, I paddled right.
He said I ought to paddle left when he paddled right. His arms are much stronger than mine so when I paddled left and he paddled right we went into the trees. I finally gave up and let him do all the paddling.
I might not have married a Venetian but definitely got one handsome Gondolier. I propped my feet up and enjoyed the lazy day on the water.
Sun hat time = less wrinkles one day...I hope |
In a Monet |
I loved the light of the water dancing under the bridge. |
The day ended with some spicy pizza: Chicken buffalo pizza. It was good though the one in Baltimore on 39th street at the deli under the Hopkins House is the best.
And of course, what would a perfect day be without the first gelato of the season? It wasn't bad.
A lot of money for a little ice-cream. I don't understand how prices have doubled in 2 years. Anyway, it was tasty. |
In the old kitten's news: they are getting along just dandy. Early summer suits them.
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