Day Trip

I woke up feeling like Minnie Foster Write from "A Jury of Her Peers", minus the mean husband. Living on the edge of the country can seem so nice.

Walking 15 minutes to get the bus, ride to the old historic towns. I think it is good for me till I speak at the check out counter for the grocery store and get the hairy eye for being different. Every time, getting harsh glances for being the foreign oddball makes me feel so annoyed. Doing it all alone is ok at first, then lonely, some days depressing and repetitive then annoying. It makes you feel so isolated to repeatedly be treated with distance.

Deciding to stay home has its benefits: I don't put the effort to get out, the house is cleaner, I don't spend money and can work on my computer making some money to pay off student loans. Then that gets old. The house is quiet, too quiet. Try listening to music? It makes me homesick and somehow Rihanna's songs just doesn't fit, like me, in the situation. Feeling homesick is the worst. I can feel ocean in between some days and it is just better to mop, organize the cabinets or trot the 15 minutes to the bus and devour a gelato. Today I dont want to feel alone or foreign so I am going to Verona to mingle amongst the tourists. There it is ok to be American, expected to have shoes different than others, speaking with an accent is ok when it is gelato time. Verona is a tourist hotspot all through the year and not sporadic like the towns around Garda Lake.


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