You did for Me
I just finished listening to Fr Dan's podcast for the week. He talked about a beautiful middle school girl from World Villages who went home for Christmas and on the way home was a way no woman should ever be. A few days later, the girl went to buy something, having kept her secret from her family out of shame. Again, the same boys hurt her...and she returned to school later unable to sleep, having nightmares and unable to function. Now, months later, after having been loved and tended to carefully by the Sisters of Mary and Father Dan but most of all the Eucharist, that child can sleep, eat and even smile. Father Dan noted how in the Bible when Jesus says "What you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40) means "That is Me you are giving to..."
Jesus himself is there hidden in the moments where one feels or is the least:
Behind the quiet pain of a girl feeling shame from rape
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"What you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me." What can you do for her? |
In the silent loneliness of someone living alone.
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"What you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me." What can you do for them? |
Within the heart of the homeless man with mental health problems animatedly talking to anyone who will listen and bear his stench.
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"What you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me." What can you say to Him? |
The child inside the womb of a mother who doesn't yet recognize the humanity of her child and sees only a problem, not a human with a unique soul.
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"What you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me." What can you do for them? |
In the vulnerability of the Eucharist left unloved and unattended.
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"What you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me." What can you do for Him? |
In the anxious talking of your spouse who needs a friend and to be your priority. Or it could be in the utter quietness of your spouse. Stop everything and be their best friend.
In the woman with many little children waiting in the July heat for a bus to pass and you can give a ride.
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"What you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me." What can you do for them? |
Within an elderly person who is unsteady, demanding and can't hear so well yet needs attention and love.
"What you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me." How can you serve with joy? |
Inside a very wealthy man who has given so much but is still unsatisfied and looking for affirmation from folks he gave money to.
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"What you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me." What can you do for him? |
While we can't satisfy on our own the needs of the least of these we can pray for help to be there for the people God pus in our path, to not turn away and to take ourselves out of the equation when serving them because it isn't about us. A boat would never sail if the anchor was kept lowered. We are to help lift the anchor to the "least of these" and sail our friends towards Jesus with our sacrificial love He gifts to us to gift to others. It's not to feel good about ourselves, it's not always convenient, it's not comfortable and it requires self-denial. We are to be their gift! That's right: you are God's gift to Himself in the least of these!
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Yes, you are a gift! |
What does being there for someone mean?
1. Gift of time: give someone the gift of yourself by showing up and listening. I am blessed to have good listening friends and I hope I can become half the listener they are!
2. Gift of a hug: take it a step further. I'm so glad we have a God that created hugs.
3. Gift of food: know someone who could use dinner or a care package? Each corner in Baltimore has that very special someone. Making a little care package for a brother or sister with addiction is serving Jesus in that person. You have an unknown friend waiting for the sandwich and card you'll make, you'll put in your car saying "I can't believe I am doing this" and you'll give with a smile saying "I hope you enjoy!".
4. Gift of a letter: oh how a handwritten card is cherished! Say what you are afraid to say! Go ahead, be comforting, be encouraging, and call them to courage!
5. Gift of forgiveness: let that fight go and give freedom to yourself and that person. The words, the hurt, the anger: let it go.
6. Gift of prayer: not many people I know like to hear "I'm praying for you" because they feel something is wrong with them..."Why, what did I do?!" is the feeling...pray for them anyway and say nothing to them! I have poured my heart out in passionate prayer for people who "aren't religious" and would turn their nose at my prayers if I told them I prayed for them, because I know a God who isn't religious, He's omnipotent. He made mountains and loves the most unloveable. Your thorny person that gets on your nerves? God 100% adores that person. Mine too.
I hope you enjoy this blog and looking for the hidden Jesus among the least of these that you can do something for with the gift of yourself!
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