My Cup Overfloweth

Overfloweth. Is that a word? Oh, and I'm adding only some of my favorite pictures. This is a horror to grateful post. My pictures are things I am grateful for.

Anyway, this week my cup overflowed with one horrific bad day after another. Have you ever had projects you planned for months, spent nights working on dutifully, appointments you made carefully making sure you had all the details right then waited to get results? It is much like college but not knowing the end date or being able to figure out your professor.

This week everything went comically wrong, so bad that someone could have made a good comedy on it. Even things that should not have gone wrong went wrong like the roof leaking at my job, my work getting totally flooded, the electricity going out at home and getting screamed at not once but twice by total crazy strangers. I replied with utter sweetness to their disgust.
No electricity.

There was nothing to do in the dark but take out my teeth Invisalign and start working my way through the fridge before the yogurt went bad.

As my carefully laid plans crumbled around me, my nerves went up up up to the sky wondering, "How am I going to ever figure this one out?!" I dealt with my nerves in very mature ways, of course. How do you deal with crazy nerves?
El Gordo deals with stress by hiding in spots that are half his size. 

Here is what I did, do not attempt:

1. Eat Nutella from the jar.

2. Contemplate entering Bloomingdales with the credit card and distract myself shopping...they do have a good sale. (I'm happy to say I walked in the door and made a U turn. That never happened before! Will power!)

3. Sit on the uncomfortable chair in the livingroom in the dark for an hour and wait to see if the answer comes to me in the silence of the dark. The cats dance across the floor ruining my plan to contemplate in silence.

4. Sit in the car playing "The dance of the sugar plum fairy" and watch the fireflies twinkle in the dark. This put things in perspective that watching the fireflies twinkle in the dark is just as important and finding the magic solution to life itself. What is life without fireflies? What is life without beautiful July nights? What is life without Tchaikovsky? Nothing but sadness. Enjoying fireflies are just as important, if not more so than fixing the issues.

5. Call out sick and sit under a beautiful tree with Shakespeare's Sonnets. The thing about the sonnets is that they are horribly depressing. At least the first half are really bad. I forgot about them. The second half are a bit better, though narcissistic. As far as sitting under a tree, wouldn't that go in the prayer in the part of: "Thou layest me down in green pastures?" I think so, but with Shakespeare.

6. Stay up all night and go to bed at 6 AM after figuring it out, then figuring that my plan won't work after all.

7. Go to work feeling like a fried egg. Try to nap in car during lunch but terrified to wake up to a serial killer or nudist flasher.

Finally, my nerves of steel mushed under the lack of sleep and I said enough! I came home this afternoon and put myself in bed with my eyes dry and tired then laughed. This week was so crazy! I remembered what our priest said, "Prayer gives you reslience to bounce back when you fall." Too exhausted to come up with my own prayer, it probably would have sounded like, "Help....and.....burger....and good sleep please...." I decided to let David give me a hand and read through the 23rd Psalm.

I read and reread it like 10 times. Then I remembered the advice of Pollyanna, my mom. "Make a glad list." So even though my cup tipeth over right now, there are things that did make this week sweet, things in my life that I am really greatful for, and here are 10 in no particular order and I won't shoot for the big ones. Maybe I will.

I'm grateful for:

1. My legs. I'm glad I have good feet to walk on. Even if the thighs are doughy.

2. The groundhog I saw racing across the highway and made it! He lunged his fat body with all of his energy that his one inch legs could give him and I was so happy he made it alive!

3. My braces. Invisalign is moving my teeth and I am doing good with keeping them on 22 hours a day, flossing like 4 times a day and being diligent with the treatment.

4. The new Oasis book that shows really cool spas that I will never visit. But just looking at the pictures made me imagine life as the spa queen.

5. Tall trees that make me wish that I could live in one giant tree house in the Amazon.

6. Hearing from the police that they found a bobcat sleeping in the sun by the YMCA and they were too scared to catch him. He is as big as a golden retriever. Smart bobcat. Just stay far from El Gordo and Bentlo.

7. My pretty black sandals.

8. Make up that makes me look like a person when I feel like an zombie/alien. "Why are you wearing make up today? Are you going someplace special?' I respond, "I feel like a bear ate me and digested me. That is why I am wearing makeup."

9. Psalm 23. David came up with a good psalm.

10. Life cereal in the morning with the chef. His curls are perfect in the summer.

11. "Bossy Pants" by Tina Fey. It's what I am reading and is the bees knees.
I also like the evidence El Gordo and Bentley leave behind when they have jumped on our bed over the fluffy German down blanket. "Who me? How dare you accuse me of making that crater?" The cats hotly say with their eyes. The warm spot on the bed tells another tale of one with a tail.

Off to bed. If I stayed up much longer I might curl up on the lap top like the cat and purr off to sleep. My cup tipeth over but at least it does have some good stuff still in it. It's not like it overfloweth with curdled milk. It is half fulleth with pineapple juice. Oh yeah:

12. The sweetest pineapple ever danced into my kitchen this week. Thank you.


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