My Norton Anti-virus expired and for some reason the computer refuses to upload the new one. The Swiffers I bought (Ma, those are what lazy people buy to quickly clean the floor) suddenly disappeared. Otherwise, today has been a pretty perfect day.

I was angry with New Jersey for it's 8 month winters, and two weeks of scorching summers. I was cursing the skies when autumn came and had me make peace with the NJ weather. In fact, the fall in New Jersey has seduced me like an old boyfriend deceitfully showing his nice side. I know this nice side will end soon enough and -20 degree weather and ice covered everything will blast through my bones in February. But for now, I will enjoy the good weather. The air feels fresh and friendly in the morning, enough for a sweater and in the evening it has been warm enough to walk through the cascading party of leaves to the grocery store for bananas. I have been walking to the grocery store every day this week just to have some excuse to walk through the falling leaves. The confetti of leaves in every color is more regenerating and relaxing than a yoga class and more cheerful than Richard Simmons on a good day.

Today we decided to enjoy this weather by driving down to Duke Farms to bike along their paths. We went to Duke Farms a few weeks ago and I blogged about that
here. We arrived deeply sleepy and didn't feel like biking and felt more like napping in the car like a couple of babies. But we dragged our feet over to the free bike stand and in a few minutes we were pedaling away like the Von Trapp family in the Sound of Music. Fredrick Von Trapp took most of the pictures. I was Gretel and just did my best at staying on the bike. My brakes were really sensitive and several times I braked and found myself going over the handle bars.
The orchid range has the best view of the changing trees. |
Orange you glad it's fall? |
How many colors do you see? |
Titled "A French Film in New Jersey" |
The protagonist, a French dude named Filippo Panaro. |
The tree couldn't hide her feelings any longer. |
A little Maple named Miss Marple. |
the painter started spraying red on the maple tree |
Sisters. The one in the front is pulling her toddler sister in the carriage. The toddler was dutifully picking her nose and watching her older sister pedal away. |
Then we came home and enjoyed a very delicious autumn lunch of sausage sandwiches with a salad with berries and feta cheese. Desert was French style of yogurt with honey. And then I had an Italian afternoon: 2 hour nap followed by a walk to the grocery store for some bananas.
All in all it was a pretty good day.
Except for one injury |
But the thumb turned out ok. |
On the kitten front. Fatty has figured out that if he howls loud enough in the morning he will be allowed in the dining room for breakfast. He realized that howling before I have coffee had benefits for him. I try for about 3 minutes to be strong. "No, El Gordo must understand that he has to stay far while we eat. WHY won't he stop howling?! Is someone killing him?" Finally I fling the door open and let him in. He reacts with pure bliss rolling all over the floor like if he won the kitty lottery.
I'm in! I'm in I'mini'min. |
I won |
oh yes, I won |
ahhhhh |
So for the last week we have enjoyed the presence of the Puffy Fluffy One at the foot of the dining table. He is also smart enough to realize that he must be on his best behavior when allowed in after howling. Any frolicking, further meowing, or rumpus time will land him a seat in the basement. We have mostly enjoyed the Fat One in the morning. He sits primly and quietly watching us eat. It is funny watching the two cats get old. Their moods are much more extreme as they age than what they were as young bucks.
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